After Trudeau was criticized by Xi Jinping, he appeared twice to respond. He was questioned by reporters incoherently, and finally admitted that China did not interfere in the Canadian election.

After Trudeau was criticized by Xi Jinping, he appeared twice to respond. He was questioned by reporters incoherently, and finally admitted that China did not interfere in the Canadian election via 理科男士K一米


No intelligence briefing happened on Chinese funding of candidates: Trudeau

But during remarks at the end of the Francophonie summit in Tunisia on Sunday, Trudeau said the government hasn’t identified the candidates publicly because he doesn’t know who they are. He said he only learned of that specific allegation from the media.

Canadian Journalist Added to Ukrainian Hitlist + NATO is behind the site of Ukrainian nationalists “Peacemaker”

Guy Boulianne of Quebec targeted by “Mirotvorets”

Canadian Journalist Added to Ukrainian Hitlist (archived)


Important data from the “Myrotvorets” site on crimes against minors in Russia, Donbass and Ukraine have been published by the Foundation for Combating Injustice (original in French)

[2015] NATO is behind the site of Ukrainian nationalists “Peacemaker”

Who is Chrystia Freeland, Washington’s “prime candidate” for NATO Secretary-General?

The New York Times recently reported that Washington is promoting Canada’s deputy prime minister, Chrystia Freeland, as its “prime candidate” to succeed Jens Stoltenberg as NATO secretary-general when the Norwegian’s term expires in September 2023.

Who is Chrystia Freeland, Washington’s “prime candidate” for NATO Secretary-General?


Canadian Foreign Minister Scapegoats Russian Hackers for Exposing Nazi Grandfather

Seems appropriate to me, considering that there have been Nazis in the NATO leadership, previously.

Mirotvorets/Myrotvorets: The illegal and extremist activities of the Ukrainian website “Peacemaker” were discussed in Moscow + More

The illegal and extremist activities of the Ukrainian website “Peacemaker” were discussed in Moscow


Western media continues to ignore Ukraine’s public ‘kill list’ aimed at those who question the Kiev regime

American military officer Bentley: I am ashamed that the US authorities support the site “Peacemaker”

Government-Funded CBC Smears Me. Interview With Maverick Media: “CBC Fake News: Hit Piece Targets Journalists (Eva Bartlett)”

By Eva K Bartlett

Rick Walker had me back on his show (listen to our previous conversation about Ukraine’s kill list), this time to discuss CBC’s deceitful, unprofessional, lie-based, smear piece on me.

Government-Funded CBC Smears Me. Interview With Maverick Media: “CBC Fake News: Hit Piece Targets Journalists (Eva Bartlett)”


ISD Partnerships & Funders


Will Canadian media report on Ukraine’s kill list (which [Eva Bartlett is] on)? Will government Canada–so concerned about journalists’ safety–condemn it?

Of course those are rhetorical questions. I know Canada’s corporate-funded & owned media will never show integrity, much less report honestly, much less not whitewash the crimes of Ukraine against the people of the Donbass and also Ukrainian people themselves. Journalists of Maverick media, however, were kind enough to reach out to me for an honest interview, expressing shock and concern that Ukraine has such a kill list and that I’m on it.

Will Canadian media report on Ukraine’s kill list (which I’m on)? Will government Canada–so concerned about journalists’ safety–condemn it?

Russian Reporting on the Secrets of the Command Bunker Underneath Azovstal + Retired Canadian general, under police investigation for alleged sexual misconduct, allegedly captured in Ukraine

Russian Reporting on the Secrets of the Command Bunker Underneath Azovstal


Retired Canadian lieutenant-general under police investigation for alleged sexual misconduct is now in Ukraine

This news is from a Azerbaijan news source and not otherwise confirmed as of right now:

Canadian General Trevor Kadier captured while trying to escape from Azovstal

Canada’s fury at Russia’s recognition of the DPR & LPR shows its continuing subservience to US Empire

There has been a great deal of russophobic and sinophobic frenzy of late in our so-called mainstream media and on the part of politicians in Washington, Canada, the U.K. and Germany. What are the underlying reasons for this? Is it true that a Russian invasion of Ukraine is ‘imminent’?

Canada’s fury at Russia’s recognition of the DPR & LPR shows its continuing subservience to US Empire (Archived)