Trump Sold-Out His Base to Shovel $95 Billion to Ukraine and Israel

America last. America last. That’s all this is. America last, every single day. – Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene

The man who is most responsible for the $95 billion giveaway to Ukraine and Israel, is the same guy who pretends to oppose America’s “wasteful” foreign wars. Donald Trump. It was Trump who consulted with Speaker Mike Johnson about the contents of the Ukraine aid package, just as it was Trump who concocted the idea of issuing loans instead of dispersing the standard welfare handout. It was also Trump who said:

Trump Sold-Out His Base to Shovel $95 Billion to Ukraine and Israel


Michael Tracey: America First, or Ukraine First?

Wisconsin congressman after visiting southern border: ‘We need to restart border wall construction’

Original source.

Whitewater’s police chief sent President Biden a letter asking for resources to help with 800 to 1,000 immigrants now living in the city since 2022 – specifically from Nicaragua and Venezuela.

Wisconsin congressman after visiting southern border: ‘We need to restart border wall construction’

Notice that he mentioned two countries that are sanctioned and that the USG has been trying to destabilize for years?! I uploaded the video on human trafficking, to Rockford, last week.

US Foreign Policy Is a Scam Built on Corruption

US foreign policy seems to be utterly irrational. The US gets into one disastrous war after another — Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, and Gaza. In recent days, the US stands globally isolated in its support of Israel’s genocidal actions against the Palestinians, voting against a UN General Assembly resolution for a Gaza ceasefire backed by 153 countries with 89% of the world population, and opposed by just the US and 9 small countries with less than 1% of the world population.

US Foreign Policy Is a Scam Built on Corruption

Israel’s War on American Student Activists

For years the Israel on Campus Coalition—a little-known organization with links to Israeli intelligence—has used student informants to spy on pro-Palestinian campus groups.

Israel’s War on American Student Activists (archived)

Looks like those microgrants are for more than just attending pro-Israel protests.
