Airman on hunger strike at White House over Gaza support


Airman on hunger strike at White House over Gaza support

Herbert said that Bushnell’s message and actions resonated with him, but it was the silence from leadership that really propelled his desire to speak out.

“The response afterwards by the military, specifically my command and then our government – basically just not uttering a word, like not even saying his name or anything and just trying to sweep the whole situation under the rug – that’s what really infuriated me and gave me the resolve to come to DC,” he said.

[2008] When the Left Was Right

The ghosts of 1968 are haunting Barack Obama, which is tremendously unfair, I say as his coeval, given that our cohort spent the Chicago Democratic Convention sticking baseball cards in our bicycle spokes rather than pelting Mayor Daley’s finest with porcine epithets. But guilt by association is ironclad in these days when American political discourse is controlled by hall monitors and tattletales. Obama’s friendship—acquaintance?—with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn is about to get extended play as the Republicans contrast Obama’s Weatherfriends with their nominee’s stint in the Hanoi Hilton.

When the Left Was Right

House Armed Services Committee Passes Amendment to Make it ILLEGAL to Communicate with Military Religious Freedom Foundation!

In an almost inconceivable action, a Christian nationalist GOP congressman, Rep. Mike Turner of Ohio, has introduced legislation to shut MRFF down — to make it ILLEGAL for Department of Defense personnel to even communicate with MRFF!

GOP Congress Disgrace! House Armed Services Committee Passes Amendment to Make it ILLEGAL to Communicate with MRFF!

Stephen Sefton & Camila Escalante on Boric’s new progressive bloc

Progressive political figures with an orientation more favorable to Washington are forming a new alliance of South American parties and are deliberately excluding the forces that are leading the continent’s liberation processes. Don DeBar interviewed Nicaraguan writer Stephen Sefton and Latin America correspondent Camila Escalante on KPFK Pacifica Radio. Below is a transcription of last week’s segment.

Stephen Sefton & Camila Escalante on Boric’s new progressive bloc

Yurii Sheliazhenko: only nonviolence against the Russians

“War is a crime against humanity, and therefore we should be determined not to support any kind of war and we must fight for the elimination of all causes of war” [1]. Stark words, explicit as far as possible from the little freedom “granted” in Ukraine, those of Yurii Sheliazhenko, Ukrainian pacifist and nonviolent.

Yurii Sheliazhenko: only nonviolence against the Russians


Ukrainian Pacifist Movement: An interview With Its Leader Yurii Sheliazhenko