Deputies Who Raided Afroman’s House Sue Him For Daring To Turn Footage Of The Raid Into A Viral Video

When the Adams County (OH) sheriff’s office raided rap artist Afroman’s home, he didn’t just sit back and assume everyone involved operated in good faith. The raid was captured on Afroman’s security cameras, which the artist soon converted into a viral video/rap song entitled “Will You Help Me Repair My Door.”

Deputies Who Raided Afroman’s House Sue Him For Daring To Turn Footage Of The Raid Into A Viral Video


Afroman Turns Security Footage Of Bullshit Raid Of His Home Into Viral Rap Video Hit

WATCH: ‘Hero’ Cops Raid Rapper ‘Afroman’ To Protect Society from His Legal Hemp Flower

The FTX Collapse Is Also a Huge Campaign Finance Scandal

Sam Bankman-Fried was set to testify before Congress on Tuesday, but before he could appear, he was arrested in the Bahamas. Not surprisingly, most of the charges he’s facing involve allegations of fraud related to the collapse of FTX, his crypto-trading platform. But a federal indictment unveiled Tuesday also accuses SBF—a prolific political donor who cultivated relationships with politicians and policymakers—of campaign finance violations.

The FTX Collapse Is Also a Huge Campaign Finance Scandal

Facebook Faces New Lawsuit Alleging Human Trafficking and Union-Busting in Kenya

Daniel Motaung, a former outsourced Facebook content moderator, filed a lawsuit Tuesday in Nairobi accusing Meta and outsourcing firm Sama of multiple violations of the Kenyan constitution. The lawsuit follows a TIME story published in February titled “Inside Facebook’s African Sweatshop,” in which Motaung and other current and former employees at Sama first gave their accounts of widespread trauma, pay as low as $1.50 per hour, and alleged union busting.

Facebook Faces New Lawsuit Alleging Human Trafficking and Union-Busting in Kenya