NYT exposes Zelensky lie about Donbass missile strike

An investigation contradicts the Ukrainian president’s claim that a Russian attack killed civilians the same day as a visit by the US secretary of state

NYT exposes Zelensky lie about Donbass missile strike


Evidence Suggests Ukrainian Missile Caused Market Tragedy

Ukrainian army strike on Konstantinovka kills 16 civilians (videos/photos)

Flash : an Atlanticist missile slaughter civilians in Konstantinovka, Donetsk People’s Republic

Ukraine’s security service initiates criminal proceedings against air defense “leakers”

Ukraine’s security service has registered criminal proceedings against six “bloggers” in Kyiv who it alleges took photos and videos showing the country’s air defense systems at work during Tuesday’s Russian missile strike and posted them on social media.

Ukraine’s security service initiates criminal proceedings against air defense leakers

Video Did Russia destroy a US Patriot Air Defense in Kyiv? DEBUNKED! via Ukraine War Awareness

H/T: Emil Cosman

Recommended video: Kinzhal damaged US Patriot system | Storm Shadow Missile | Russia Ukraine conflict update

No concern, at all, about freedom of speech! If this had happened in Russia, this is how corporate media would cover it.

Deputies Who Raided Afroman’s House Sue Him For Daring To Turn Footage Of The Raid Into A Viral Video

When the Adams County (OH) sheriff’s office raided rap artist Afroman’s home, he didn’t just sit back and assume everyone involved operated in good faith. The raid was captured on Afroman’s security cameras, which the artist soon converted into a viral video/rap song entitled “Will You Help Me Repair My Door.”

Deputies Who Raided Afroman’s House Sue Him For Daring To Turn Footage Of The Raid Into A Viral Video


Afroman Turns Security Footage Of Bullshit Raid Of His Home Into Viral Rap Video Hit

WATCH: ‘Hero’ Cops Raid Rapper ‘Afroman’ To Protect Society from His Legal Hemp Flower

Afroman Turns Security Footage Of Bullshit Raid Of His Home Into Viral Rap Video Hit

from the every-so-often,-the-police-fuck-themselves dept
Tue, Jan 10th 2023 03:32pm – Tim Cushing

Rap artist Afroman’s biggest hit is “Because I Got High,” a track that details how his best intentions were undone by his weed intake. So, one might reasonably suspect marijuana might be found at his residence. But there’s very little that’s reasonable about what happened to Afroman four months ago.

Afroman Turns Security Footage Of Bullshit Raid Of His Home Into Viral Rap Video Hit

I think the cop would have preferred donuts!

Arshad Sharif Was Tortured Before Being Gunned Down at Point-Blank Range

Senior Pakistani journalist, Arshad Sharif, who was recently assassinated in Kenya, had been tortured before he was shot in the head and right lung from point-blank range, Dunya TV has reported.

Arshad Sharif Was Tortured Before Being Gunned Down at Point-Blank Range

H/T: Justin Podur


Slain Journalist Arshad Sharif’s iPad, Mobile Phone Still ‘Missing’

It was discovered that Sharif’s Kenyan visa had been sponsored by Khurram and Waqar Ahmed who also hosted him, and who owned the shooting range near where he was discovered dead. On Tuesday it was reported that Arshad Sharif had dined with at least 10 American shooting instructors on the final day of his life.