‘Barbaric attack using Western arms’ – Moscow decries Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk (18+)

The shelling of the Russian city of Donetsk, which has claimed the lives of at least 25 civilians and wounded 20 others, is “a barbaric terrorist act” carried out by Ukraine with the support of the West, Russia’s Foreign Ministry has said.

‘Barbaric attack using Western arms’ – Moscow decries Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk

Related (18+):

Ukraine War Massacre: 28 Killed At Market In Donetsk/Patrick Lancaster

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Donetsk is on fire – Ukraine hammers Donetsk with western supplied munitions


Definitely the biggest attack in months, Ukraine hammered Donetsk with Western-supplied munitions, perhaps not to be undone by events in Gaza. Unfortunately, we can report on 20 injured including 3 journalists whom we know personally and 3 civilians dead. may they RIP

Donetsk is on fire – Ukraine hammers Donetsk with western supplied munitions


Two people killed, 14 wounded in Kiev artillery fire at DPR over 24 hours

Fire In Donetsk: Ukrainian Terrorists Attack Civilians With Cluster Munitions

NATO Official Says the ‘Bottom of the Barrel’ of Weapons Stockpiles Is Visible + US Transfers Alleged Iranian Ammunition Shipment to Ukraine

The head of NATO’s Military Committee is urging the alliance to increase arms production, warning the “bottom of the barrel” of NATO’s stockpiles is now visible due to the massive amounts of weapons and ammunition that have been shipped to Ukraine.

NATO Official Says the ‘Bottom of the Barrel’ of Weapons Stockpiles Is Visible


US Transfers Alleged Iranian Ammunition Shipment to Ukraine

Biden Gives Ukraine More Cluster Bombs And Ukraine Operations Will Be Exempt From Potential Government Shutdown

President Biden on Thursday met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and announced a new tranche of US military aid for Ukraine that includes more cluster bombs, which are notorious for killing and maiming civilians.

Biden Gives Ukraine More Cluster Bombs During Zelensky Visit


Pentagon Exempts Ukraine Operations from Potential Government Shutdown