Biden Is Running U.S. Energy Security Into The Ground

The White House divulged late on Tuesday its plan to release 15 million barrels of crude oil from the strategic petroleum reserve to be delivered in December, as the last tranche of the emergency 180 million barrel release that the Biden Administration announced in March.

Biden Is Running U.S. Energy Security Into The Ground


Biden Manipulates Oil Price To Buy More Votes

Since its inauguration the Biden administration has sold more than 220 million barrels from the 650+ reserve. Refilling it at $70/bl, nearly $50 per barrel more than Trump was going to pay, will be quite costly.

China Defies US Sanctions with Computer Chip Breakthrough

China Defies US Sanctions with Computer Chip Breakthrough

China’s rise as the largest, most powerful nation on earth is inevitable. The resources, energy, and time the United States is wasting in attempting to contain China’s rise and assert itself above all other nations could be used instead to find a constructive role to play among all other nations as a still powerful, influential nation with much to offer humanity, just not the most powerful or influential. The United States, like many empires before it in history, unfortunately, appears determined to squander this opportunity to peacefully transition to one powerful nation among many, and instead faces the prospects of holding neither primacy over the planet, nor significant prominence among the nations on it.

A widely cited report predicting doom for the Russian economy has come under scrutiny from economists

By Margarita Lyutova. Abridged translation by Sam Breazeale, Meduza, 8/10/22

In late July, a team of researchers from Yale published a report titled “Business Retreats and Sanctions Are Crippling the Russian Economy.” Since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the same team has maintained a list of international companies that have ceased operations in Russia in response to the war. The project is led by management and corporate responsibility expert Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, a professor at the Yale School of Management and the founder of Yale’s Chief Executive Leadership Institute. The report has been cited widely in recent weeks, but Sonnenfeld is neither an economist nor a Russia specialist, and experts have raised doubts about some of the report’s claims. Economic journalist Margarita Lyutova explains why the researchers’ conclusions might be worth taking with a grain of salt.

Meduza: A widely cited report predicting doom for the Russian economy has come under scrutiny from economists


Business Retreats and Sanctions Are Crippling the Russian Economy

Senate Passes $280 Billion Industrial Policy Bill Meant to Counter China

Senate Passes $280 Billion Industrial Policy Bill Meant to Counter China

The CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 passed in a vote of 63-33, with 17 Republicans voting in favor. The over 1,000-page legislation includes $52.7 billion for direct funding for the construction and expansion of semiconductor manufacturing and $24 billion for tax incentives and other purposes.

The bill will authorize roughly $200 billion in science and technology research funding that will be spread across several government agencies over the next five years. The largest recipient of the research funds will be the National Science Foundation, which will receive $81 billion.


CHIPS Won’t Help China

Third, the CHIPS Act actually has provisions designed specifically to restrict investments in China. These so-called “guardrails” require that companies taking federal dollars for American projects must also agree not to invest in state-of-the-art technology in China—not just with the federal dollars, with any dollars. Good-faith critics have raised fair concerns that these guardrails should be broader, tougher, and firmer. But any guardrails at all represent unprecedented restrictions on what U.S. companies can do in the People’s Republic. It’s one thing to say an ideal bill would hurt China even more; it’s quite another to try and claim that less-than-perfect restrictions count as “help.”

Pelosi’s Husband Dumped Up to $5M of Tech Stock Right Before Senate Passed CHIPS

UPDATED: FDA is considering FOURTH dose of COVID-19 vaccine and making it an annual shot as cases across the US drop 43% over the past week and 87% since the peak of the Omicron variant

FDA is considering FOURTH dose of COVID-19 vaccine and making it an annual shot as cases across the US drop 43% over the past week and 87% since the peak of the Omicron variant


WSJ: FDA Eyes Second Covid-19 Booster Shot

A fourth booster shot of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine could start an annual booster shot campaign, one of the people familiar with the FDA’s planning said.

I’m not buying the media’s scaremongering about the second omicron variant!