Regime Change Assets: Peter Zeihan & Srđa Popović

When working for Stratfor (Shadow CIA), Peter Zeihan, et al, met with Srdja Popovic.

Thanks for the email! I think the idea of meeting this April/May is great! Since Stratfor is based in Austin (we also have an office in DC), we would it was very easy to “jump” to Colorado. When are you exactly in Colorado? It is most convenient for me to meet around the first week of May, but i am flexible. Otherwise, I will work on that Peter Zeihan, our “head-analyst” and my “boss”, came with me.

Meeting – CANVAS/Stratfor


Meet Srdja Popovic, the secret architect of global revolution

Who is Behind Regime Change? “Revolution Business” NGO Supported by Wall Street and US Intelligence (archived)

[WTF?!] US army could help Venezuela with nonviolent resistance against Maduro

Both Juan Guaidó, and Leopoldo Lopez, have already been trained to use Gene Sharp’s tactics to overthrow a ‘dictator’ in ‘nonviolent ways’, which was used by US-funded OTPOR, to overthrow Yugoslav President Slobodan Milošević (which wasn’t as peaceful as they made it to be), in 2000. Ivan Marović was a member of OTPOR. Another member, Srđa Popović, went on to start CANVAS, which worked with Stratfor to spy on activists and overthrow governments. CANVAS has been declared a terrorist group in the UAE.

Source of dubious ‘beheaded babies’ claim is Israeli settler leader who incited riots to ‘wipe out’ Palestinian village

After an Israeli reserve soldier named David Ben Zion told a reporter Palestinian militants “cut [off] heads of babies,” Biden, Netanyahu, and the international media amplified the dubious claim.

Source of dubious ‘beheaded babies’ claim is Israeli settler leader who incited riots to ‘wipe out’ Palestinian village


Be on the lookout for Israeli information (propaganda/psychological warfare/etc) operations

No Proof of Beheaded Israeli Babies: White House Backtracks on Biden’s Comments

Russia’s FM Lavrov Slams US Double Standards over Israel, Ukraine War

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov slammed US double standards over Syria’s Golan Heights and the Donbass region in Ukraine.

Russia’s FM Lavrov Slams US Double Standards over Israel, Ukraine War


Lavrov accuses U.S. of double standards over Golan Heights, Donbas

Secretary Antony J. Blinken with Wolf Blitzer of CNN’s The Situation Room

QUESTION: The Trump administration, as you know, also recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which Israel captured from Syria back in 1967. Will your administration, the Biden administration, continue to see the Golan Heights as part of Israel?

SECRETARY BLINKEN: Look, leaving aside the legalities of that question, as a practical matter, the Golan is very important to Israel’s security. As long as Assad is in power in Syria, as long as Iran is present in Syria, militia groups backed by Iran, the Assad regime itself – all of these pose a significant security threat to Israel, and as a practical matter, the control of the Golan in that situation I think remains of real importance to Israel’s security. Legal questions are something else. And over time, if the situation were to change in Syria, that’s something we’d look at. But we are nowhere near as that.

Military Personnel Seen Wandering Forest Pressing Button On F-35 Key Fob

HUGER, SC — A team of Marines was seen trudging through the woods, stopping every 30 feet to wave a key fob around in a 90° arc, say campers at Francis Marion National Forest. The Marines, who traveled in a tactical column, were allegedly on a mission to locate, close with, and recover the F-35 fighter jet that went missing Sunday evening.

Military Personnel Seen Wandering Forest Pressing Button On F-35 Key Fob


A missing F-35 fighter jet highlights the tragicomedy of military spending

That jet the Marines lost? Taxpayers will pay $1.7 trillion for the F-35 program