Rant: WTF Happened?

Sometimes, I wonder WTF happened to some of the people that I used to follow. Did coronavirus rot their brains or something? I guess that I haven’t been paying much attention.

Caleb Maupin, who just three years ago interviewed a former Moonie and rightly pointed out the Moonies’ CIA connection (the video is now private, ‘coincidentally’). Maupin is now colluding with them to reunify the Korean Peninsula because he hates blue hair or something? Rainer Shea now endorses LaRouchites and MAGA Communists, who both have their own connections to US intelligence agencies. Tulsi Gabbard is turning into a right wing neoreactionary (although she was probably always a PsyOp). The whole thing reminds me of COINTELPRO, to be honest. Even if it’s not a COUNTELPRO op, MAGA Communism stinks like a cult.

The worst are the dolts who stick up for these people, when they’re homophobic, transphobic, and misogynistic (not to mention the ‘Leftists’ who won’t stick up for the oppressed and need to grow a pair)! They’re just as bad as the MAGA Communists who think that Donald Trump is an Anti-Imperialist!

FYI, I was working on something else regarding the PatSocs for a future post. I’ve been going through some Marxist-Leninist writings (someone already did Mao) and statistics. While looking at statistics, I found that only 7.6% of Americans identity as LGBTQ+.


How it started: The Brahmins of Democracy: Communists vs. Patriotic Socialists

How it’s going: Drama: PatSocs, CPUSA, and Mao

The Anti-Defamation League: Israel’s Attack Dog in the US

Posing as a civil rights group, the ADL has long operated as an intelligence organization targeting Israel’s critics. So why does the media still treat it as a credible source?

The Anti-Defamation League: Israel’s Attack Dog in the US (archived)


ADL defines genocide and civil disobedience within the FBI

The Kings of Garbage, or, The ADL Spied on Me and All I Got Was This Lousy Index Card

David Villamar interviewed about Ecuador’s violent crime disaster

Despite the ongoing genocide in Gaza, Ecuador’s violent crime problem is such an incredible disaster that it manages to attract international attention. Criminals have recently taken over live newscasts. Supporters of the rightwing governments that created the disaster (for example, The Economist) have declared Ecuador to be the deadliest country in the Americas. It’s difficult for Ecuador to get international news coverage. In recent years, it generally has to be something very bad (or sports-related).

David Villamar interviewed about Ecuador’s violent crime disaster


How Did Ecuador Spiral into This Nightmare? It Was the Neoliberal Dismantling of the State

The FBI’s Material Support for Israeli Apartheid Against Palestinians

Tweet from Abed A. Ayoub, the national executive director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)

By Chip Gibbons / The Dissenter

Israel’s war on the besieged Gaza Strip has entered its sixth day. The Israeli military has launched a massive bombardment with airstrikes killing over 1,000 Palestinians.

The FBI’s Material Support for Israeli Apartheid Against Palestinians

FBI coerces antiwar activist into leaving the internet for months, advancing liberal fascism’s crackdown

In a development that parallels the experience of Alexander Finnegan—the communist who became a target for the FBI’s “counter-terrorism” stalking efforts due to his countering the Ukraine narrative—another individual has been revealed as a victim of such unconstitutional state intimidation. The person behind a Twitter account called “Islam, America, Liberty” was recently asked about why they had vanished from the internet for almost half a year, and this was how the exchange went…

FBI coerces antiwar activist into leaving the internet for months, advancing liberal fascism’s crackdown

Quora is infested with feds (so is 4chan, Reddit, Discord, etc).

[2003] When the CIA financed European Intellectuals

To counteract the Soviet influence in Europe, at the end of WWII the United States created a network of pro-American elites. Thus, the CIA financed the Congress for Cultural Freedom in which many European intellectuals participated. Among the most distinguished ones were Raymond Aron and Michel Crozier. Responsible for designing an anti-communist ideology welcomed by the conservative right as well as the socialist and reformist left of Europe during the Cold War, these networks were reactivated by the Bush administration. Today, they are the European sounding board of American conservatives.

When the CIA financed European Intellectuals


Tom Braden, Real-Life Dad Behind ‘Eight Is Enough’ and ‘Crossfire’ Pundit, Dies

As a CIA official in the early 1950s, Mr. Braden was head of the International Organizations Division, which promoted anti-communism by secretly funding groups including the AFL-CIO and the National Student Association, sending the Boston Symphony Orchestra on a European tour and publishing Encounter magazine. After Ramparts magazine exposed the CIA’s system of funding anti-communist front organizations all over the globe, Mr. Braden defended the program in an article in a 1967 issue of the Saturday Evening Post. He said the secret program was his idea.

A Gentleman’s Guide to Trolls, Bots, Sealions, Forum Spies and Other Pests – #SolutionsWatch

The Corbett Report (Unofficial)

Let’s face it: comments often suck. And who’s to say they’re even real? But what’s the solution to these crappy communications? Well, don’t read the comments, of course. But if you do decide to wade into the infowar battlespace that is the comments section, then at the very least you need to arm yourself with knowledge of the various tactics that the trolls, bots, disinformation agents, psyops warriors, sealions and forum spies are employing to derail you from taking meaningful action. Today on #SolutionsWatch I’ll help do just that by reviewing The Gentleperson’s Guide to Forum Spies.

A Gentleman’s Guide to Trolls, Bots, Sealions, Forum Spies and Other Pests – #SolutionsWatch


The Conspiracy Theory Is True: Agents Infiltrate Websites Intending To “Manipulate, Deceive, And Destroy Reputations”

[2010] Obama staffer wants ‘cognitive infiltration’ of 9/11 conspiracy groups