Rant: WTF Happened?

Sometimes, I wonder WTF happened to some of the people that I used to follow. Did coronavirus rot their brains or something? I guess that I haven’t been paying much attention.

Caleb Maupin, who just three years ago interviewed a former Moonie and rightly pointed out the Moonies’ CIA connection (the video is now private, ‘coincidentally’). Maupin is now colluding with them to reunify the Korean Peninsula because he hates blue hair or something? Rainer Shea now endorses LaRouchites and MAGA Communists, who both have their own connections to US intelligence agencies. Tulsi Gabbard is turning into a right wing neoreactionary (although she was probably always a PsyOp). The whole thing reminds me of COINTELPRO, to be honest. Even if it’s not a COUNTELPRO op, MAGA Communism stinks like a cult.

The worst are the dolts who stick up for these people, when they’re homophobic, transphobic, and misogynistic (not to mention the ‘Leftists’ who won’t stick up for the oppressed and need to grow a pair)! They’re just as bad as the MAGA Communists who think that Donald Trump is an Anti-Imperialist!

FYI, I was working on something else regarding the PatSocs for a future post. I’ve been going through some Marxist-Leninist writings (someone already did Mao) and statistics. While looking at statistics, I found that only 7.6% of Americans identity as LGBTQ+.


How it started: The Brahmins of Democracy: Communists vs. Patriotic Socialists

How it’s going: Drama: PatSocs, CPUSA, and Mao

Censorship at the American Psychological Association

The publishing process in academic psychology journals isn’t typically known for its drama or intrigue. It’s true that there can be frustrations and challenges for aspiring authors. These include obtaining timely feedback from peer reviewers; adequately addressing often-disparate concerns and revision recommendations; and waiting the many months that frequently elapse between submitting a manuscript and its hoped-for publication. Nevertheless, there’s little doubt that articles published in reputable scientific journals play an essential role in advancing our understanding of human behavior.

Censorship at the American Psychological Association

Egypt-Palestinian Authority Deal on Gaza Gas Fields Likely Won’t Serve Palestinians, but Israel Instead

Reports have emerged indicating that a deal between the Palestinian Authority and Egypt, over the extraction of natural gas that is located off the coast of the besieged Gaza Strip, could be within reach. Although this has been hailed as a positive development by Ramallah and Cairo, the issue could cause more harm than good and amount to the theft of Palestinian resources.

Egypt-Palestinian Authority Deal on Gaza Gas Fields Likely Won’t Serve Palestinians, but Israel Instead