New Zealand: Waking Up to a Disturbing Reality!

New Zealand was once the beacon of independent policymaking, but recent intel suggests a seismic shift towards the U.S-led AUKUS military alliance. New documents unearth a looming war shadow, with Wellington pushing Kiwis towards a volatile stand-off with China. What’s driving this dramatic pivot? Are we on the brink of the unimaginable?

New Zealand: Waking Up to a Disturbing Reality! via Geopolitical Trends, w/Dr. David Oualaalou


Unease Over New Zealand Overtures to US in Pacific

The bombing of the Rainbow Warrior

New Zealand says it will set China policy, not US-led Five Eyes

U.S. Allowing Weapons Customers to Commit Crimes Against Humanity on the Saudi‐Yemen Border

President Joe Biden wants to sign a security agreement with Saudi Arabia despite its history of human rights abuses and, in recent actions, its reported shooting and killing of Ethiopian migrants.

U.S. Allowing Weapons Customers to Commit Crimes Against Humanity on the Saudi‐Yemen Border


US Knew Saudis Were Slaughtering African Migrants at Border But Kept Quiet

Biden Isn’t Fooled by Netanyahu. So Why Meet Him? + Biden should rethink the Saudi Arabia-Israel normalization deal

8/10/23 Ted Snider on the Polish-Belarussian Tension

Ted Snider joined Scott on Antiwar Radio this week to talk about some concerning developments in Eastern Europe. They start with the tensions on the Polish-Belarus border where forces have been building up since Wagner forces moved in after the Prigozhin ordeal. Snider goes over what’s happening and what it might mean. They then talk about the Neo-Nazi compound in Maine whose leader claims to be training forces to go fight in Ukraine. They finish with some of the disheartening language we’re hearing about the backchannel talks between U.S. and Russian officials.

8/10/23 Ted Snider on the Polish-Belarussian Tension via The Scott Horton Show


The Poland-Belarus border is becoming a tinderbox

American Neo-Nazi Training Forces in Maine to Fight for Ukraine

The narrative of the “unprovoked war” in Ukraine falls apart

Since the start of the Ukraine war in 2022, the White House and the entire US media have proclaimed that the conflict was an “unprovoked war” launched by a single man, Vladimir Putin, on February 24, 2022.

The narrative of the “unprovoked war” in Ukraine falls apart

*Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Ms. Cat’s Chronicles.


Editorial Board interview: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg: The war in Ukraine has fundamentally changed NATO, but then you have to remember the war didn’t start in 2022. The war started in 2014. And since then, NATO has implemented the biggest reinforcement of our collective defense since the end of the Cold War.

Against Half-Solidarity and False Pacifism

NATO to expand Asia-Pacific presence by opening office in Japan + What can China do about it?

Last week, news emerged that NATO intends to open a liaison office in Tokyo, Japan next year. The office would be NATO’s first in the Asia-Pacific region and represents the increasing role of the organisation in preparation for a US-led war against China. Both Tokyo and NATO have confirmed the plans.

NATO to expand Asia-Pacific presence by opening office in Japan


What can China do against NATO’s foray into Asia?

So what can China do to respond to this attempt at ‘alliance encirclement’ against it? First, it can strengthen its ties with Russia and aim to create a deeper balance of power in the Asia-Pacific. Secondly, it can revitalize old alliances and strengthen its ties with North Korea as a military partner. After all, the DPRK is still obligated by the 1961 treaty of mutual assistance to come to China’s aid in a war and can be used to contain Japan and South Korea. Thirdly, it can look to build new military partnerships with regional countries who feel similarly threatened by US expansionism; for example, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar. While the rest of ASEAN are likely to stay neutral, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam (excluding the US-aligned Philippines), China should work to improve its relationships with these countries in order to prevent the US from trying to ‘force’ them to choose.