Sun Yat-sen

The revolutionary role of the Malayan Chinese community in the 20th century/Comrade Confucius


Sun Yat-sen’s Connection To China And The U.S.

Sun Yat-sen’s image became frozen in time. This man, who was deeply inspired by American ideas, came to be known as the pioneer of the revolution in the People’s Republic of China.

Part Of The Great Wall Of China Is Right Here In Wisconsin At Clintonville’s Pioneer Park

Chinese Leader Sun Yat Sen allowed this portion of wall to be taken to Clintonville; and it’s the only section of the wall that’s known to have left the country.

I could have probably picked a better article, about Sun Yat-sen’s time in the US, but I’m on my phone (too small for deep research). I received the article about the part of the Great Wall of China, in my email, and it reminded me of Comrade Confucius’ video.

Psychedelic Drugs Are Rushing Towards Approval for Therapy. Here’s What’s Next


Psychedelic Drugs Are Rushing Towards Approval for Therapy. Here’s What’s Next

Yet one glaring problem remains. Despite promising clinical results, no one knows exactly how psychedelic drugs work in the brain. Examining their actions on brain cells isn’t just an academic curiosity. It could give rise to variants that maintain antidepressant properties without the high. And because hallucinogens substantially alter our perception [management?!] of the world, they could be powerful tools for investigating the neurobiology behind consciousness.

This year, scientists found another common themepsychedelics seem to “reset” the brain to a more youthful state, at least in mice. Like humans, mice have an adolescent critical period, during which their brains are highly malleable and can easily rewire neural circuits, but the window closes after adulthood.

An earlier study showed that MDMA reopens the critical window in adult mice, so that they change their “personality.” Mice raised alone are often introverted and prefer to keep to themselves in adulthood. A dose of MDMA increased their willingness to snuggle with other mice—essentially, they learned to associate socializing with happiness, concluded the study.

It’s not that surprising. MDMA is well-known to promote empathy and bonding. The new study, by the same team, extended their early results to four psychedelics that don’t trigger fuzzy feelings—LSD, ketamine, psilocybin, and ibogaine. Similar to MDMA, adult mice raised alone changed their usual preference for solitude when treated with any of the drugs. Because habits are hard to change in adulthood—for mice and men—the drugs may have reopened the critical period, allowing the brain to more easily rewire neural connections based on new experiences.

These are just early results. But psychedelic research is gaining a new ally—artificial intelligence. Algorithms that predict protein structure, combined with rational drug design, could generate psychedelics that retain their psychiatric benefits without the high.

H/T: The Most Revolutionary Act


Psychoanalytic roots of CIA psychoprofiling/pseudoscience

Meaghan thought psychedelic therapy could help her PTSD. Instead it was the start of a nightmare

Why is the American right suddenly so interested in psychedelic drugs

What if a Pill Can Change Your Politics or Religious Beliefs? (archived)

Do Psychedelic Trips Change Your Political Views? (archived)

Florida’s DeSantis puts billboards in Illinois to recruit officers

Florida is putting billboards in Illinois’ “Greater Chicago area” to recruit law enforcement officers from the state, Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Friday.

Florida’s DeSantis puts billboards in Illinois to recruit officers


No, new Illinois law will not let people in US illegally become cops, deputies

The law says noncitizens applying for those jobs must be legally allowed to possess guns. People living in the U.S. illegally don’t qualify because federal law bars them from owning guns, according to experts and lawmakers.

People living in the country illegally may not legally obtain firearms, a federal appeals court ruled in 2012, and both experts and lawmakers say that makes them ineligible for law enforcement positions.

“Anyone who is saying that an illegal alien can become a police officer or sheriff’s deputy is either, one, misinformed, or two, giving you a baldfaced lie,” said state Rep. John Cabello, a Republican co-sponsor of the law and a Rockford police officer.

Illinois will allow some non-citizens to be police. But only those authorized to work and own a gun

Who’s Funding ‘No Labels’? Pro-GOP Billionaires Opposed to Democracy

I’d argue that Biden is the status quo, as well.

“At the end of the day, these billionaires and large corporations are deeply invested in maintaining the status quo and opposing Democrats’ agenda for working people.”

Who’s Funding ‘No Labels’? Pro-GOP Billionaires Opposed to Democracy


‘No Labels’ Eyes a Third-Party Run in 2024. Democrats Are Alarmed

The Bipartisanship Racket: Fellow Centrists Warn No Labels 2024 Bid Would Just Hurt Biden

The Messed Up Truth About The Louisiana Purchase

American Progress, 1872.

The Louisiana Purchase is usually presented as an incredible, inspiring moment in American history in which President Thomas Jefferson, wise, benevolent eyes twinkling under his powdery white wig, made an incredibly shrewd real estate deal with notorious, disgraced French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and, with one stroke of his giant quill pen, doubled the size of the United States of America for the bargain price of $15 million, or just three cents an acre. What we don’t usually learn about is the negative domino effect this treaty had in terms of inspiring the concept of manifest destiny or the belief that white colonists had a God-given duty to expand across North America and redeem and remake the land in their own image.

The Messed Up Truth About The Louisiana Purchase