Vladimir Putin Promotes Traditional Culture over “Cancel” Culture – English Subtitles

Michael Rossi Poli Sci

Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses the plenary session of the 9th St Petersburg International Cultural Forum – the Forum of United Cultures.

His opening remarks note the value of traditional national culture in forms of art, literature, music, language, and values, while noting the growing trend in Western countries of “cancel culture” that, in his view, deviates from historical development and contribution.

This opening address is part of a two-hour segment devoted to the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum, which Putin was the main guest at the Plenary Session.

The remaining parts will be uploaded in 25 – 30 minute segments that include questions and comments from participating members of the audience.

The whole series is available in a new Playlist “2023 St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum“.

In original Russian with English subtitles

Recorded November 17, 2023

Original video and transcript

Vladimir Putin Promotes Traditional Culture over “Cancel” Culture – English Subtitles

US Army Training ISIS, Al-Qaeda Fighters in Syria to Deploy to Russia: Report

US occupation forces in Syria have been training at least 60 militants affiliated with ISIS and Al-Qaeda at Al-Tanf base to carry out attacks inside former Soviet states, according to Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).

US Army Training ISIS, Al-Qaeda Fighters in Syria to Deploy to Russia: Report

Why is Soros leaving Tajikistan?

As per the statement posted on the website of the Open Society Foundation (“Open Society” or Soros Foundation – which was declared an undesirable organization in Russia back in 2015), the so-called “charity” of American billionaire George Soros, whose fortune is estimated by Forbes at $6.7 billion, has decided to close its branch – the “Assistance Fund” – in Tajikistan. The alleged reason for this decision being “a restructuring launched in 2021 aimed at setting new priorities and restructuring the more than 20 semi-autonomous national foundations around the world with a new regional approach.”

Why is Soros leaving Tajikistan?


CNN: George Soros admits to funding the Ukraine crisis [2014]

Leaked: George Soros ‘Puppet Master’ Behind Ukrainian Regime, Trails Of Corruption Revealed

Terror Act at Training Site in Russia’s Belgorod Region Claims 11 Lives + Another Underground Group Emerges

Terror Act at Training Site in Russia’s Belgorod Region Claims 11 Lives – Defense Ministry


Terrorist Group of Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars Claimed Responsibility For Attack At Training Camp In Belgorod

⚡️A new partisan group has made itself known: The Atesh movement claims to consist of Crimean Tatars, Ukrainians and Russians, who have joined the Russian army with the goal of “destroying it from inside”. Various acts of sabotage are to follow. #NoToWar

Daily Partizan

The Russian Defense Ministry says that the terrorists were from a member state of the Commonwealth of Independent States, but some newly-formed underground partisan group is claiming responsibility. I highly doubt it, but it’s still interesting to me. Most likely, they’re just another National Republican Army, who falsely claimed to have assassinated Darya Dugina, and are now supposedly hacking Russia. There’s a video clip, at the Twitter link, but it’s not in English and I can’t translate audio.

NATO Opens Second Front in Effort to Bleed Russia Dry

On Tuesday, the military forces of Azerbaijan shelled territory in neighboring Armenia. “The hostilities erupted minutes after midnight, with Azerbaijani forces unleashing an artillery barrage and drone attacks in many sections of Armenian territory, according to the Armenian Defense Ministry,” reports to the Associated Press. The premier corporate propaganda outfit cited serious damage to “civilian infrastructure and also wounded an unspecified number of people,” including 49 Armenian soldiers (later updated to 99 soldiers).

NATO Opens Second Front in Effort to Bleed Russia Dry