[2017] Why vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability

In 1986 Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), creating a no-fault compensation program to stabilize a vaccine market adversely affected by an increase in vaccine-related lawsuits and to facilitate compensation to claimants who found pursuing legitimate vaccine-inflicted injuries too difficult and cost prohibitive.

Why vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability

Facebook Faces New Lawsuit Alleging Human Trafficking and Union-Busting in Kenya

Daniel Motaung, a former outsourced Facebook content moderator, filed a lawsuit Tuesday in Nairobi accusing Meta and outsourcing firm Sama of multiple violations of the Kenyan constitution. The lawsuit follows a TIME story published in February titled “Inside Facebook’s African Sweatshop,” in which Motaung and other current and former employees at Sama first gave their accounts of widespread trauma, pay as low as $1.50 per hour, and alleged union busting.

Facebook Faces New Lawsuit Alleging Human Trafficking and Union-Busting in Kenya

People who get injured from COVID-19 vaccines could have a hard time getting compensated

People who get injured from COVID-19 vaccines could have a hard time getting compensated

Not only does CICP deny compensation for pain and suffering and attorney’s fees, and the right to appeals, it prohibits litigants from holding hearings and introducing evidence and expert testimony. Another CICP disadvantage, Pop said, is that the only the government’s own expert can form the basis for what constitutes a permissible claim. Therefore, he said, under the CICP program, it seems highly unlikely that any individual with a reaction that’s not “open and notorious, even though rare,” could ever get any kind of compensation.