Venezuelan Position on the Essequibo Presented Before the ICJ


Venezuelan Position on the Essequibo Presented Before the ICJ

*The confessions made by Raphael Trotman, Guyana’s Minister of Governance and Natural Resources during the period 2015-2020, in his book entitled “From Destiny to Prosperity”, make Exxon Mobil’s sponsorship and financing of Guyana’s unilateral action before the ICJ to validate the spurious 1899 award incontrovertible.

*Guyana, under a false victimhood, is accompanied by its colonial chief, the U.K, and the bloodiest war machine humanity has ever known, the United States. Currently, Guyana, the Southern Command and the CIA, along with their partners in the global north, are preparing an aggression against Venezuela which poses a real threat to peace and stability in Latin America and the Caribbean.


2020 Guyanese Election & Venezuela-Guyana Border Dispute

“Ironically, if the same guy had leaked to the NYT, we’d be working feverishly to conceal it.”


The NYT worked feverishly to find the identity of the guy leaking TS docs on Discord. Ironically, if they same guy had leaked to the NYT, we’d be working feverishly to conceal it.

David Philipps’ Tweet, archived)

New York Times military correspondent accuses paper of double standards for working ‘feverishly’ to find Pentagon leaker – whose identity colleagues would have ‘concealed’ if he’d given documents to them

His arrest was the culmination of a week-long scramble by the media and the U.S. security services to find him. The charge was led by [NED- & Soros-funded] Bellingcat, the investigative journalism group, and saw The New York Times and Washington Post battle to find more detail about the leaks and the person behind them.


Leaks Investigation: Airman Faces Two Counts Related to Leaked Documents

He guided a group of 20 to 30 people, mostly young men and teenagers, as they bonded over guns, racist memes, video games and international politics.

They’re making him out to be a ‘far-right anti-government extremist’! Kim Iversen mentioned that the media said that he talked about Ruby Ridge, and the Waco siege, among other things that they claim are ‘extremist’!

Head of CPAC and chief organizer of the Brooks Brothers riots sexually assaults man

For a long time I found it extremely puzzling why so many right wing men seemed to believe that there were all these gay predators out there, just waiting to “groom” otherwise impeccably straight men and boys into “the homosexual lifestyle” if they could just get a couple of drinks into their victims first:

Head of CPAC and chief organizer of the Brooks Brothers riots sexually assaults man

Ep. 5819 – Jeffrey Kaye on US Bio-weapons and the CIA’s Attempts to Hide Them – 12/16/22

Scott talks with Jeffrey Kaye about an article he recently published on the CIA’s effort to suppress reports about the use of bio-weapons by U.S. forces fighting in Korea. The agency went to great lengths to dismiss those rumors and claims as communist propaganda and the results of brainwashing. Then in 2010, the agency declassified documents that contained evidence of U.S. bio-weapons use in the Korean War. Kaye and Scott discuss the relevant history and why it’s important today.

Check out the interview page here.

The Scott Horton Show


Secret Plan Revealed: CIA Told to “Destroy” Those Supporting Communist Germ Warfare “Myth”

“False” Confessions Cover-up: U.S. Told Airmen Who Admitted Germ War in Korea They Could Reveal Information If Captured

Who Really Started the Korean War?

Donald Trump will soon be indicted. Here’s why

By Andrew P. Napolitano

It gives me no joy to write this piece.

Even a cursory review of the redacted version of the affidavit submitted in support of the government’s application for a search warrant at the home of former President Donald Trump reveals that he will soon be indicted by a federal grand jury for three crimes: Removing and concealing national defense information, giving NDI to those not legally entitled to possess it and obstruction of justice by failing to return NDI to those who are legally entitled to retrieve it.

Donald Trump will soon be indicted. Here’s why

Who Killed the POWs at Yelenovka? All Signs on the Ground Point to a Ukrainian Attack

by Eva K Bartlett

It was extremely difficult to witness the charred and twisted remains of Ukrainian POWs in the Yelenovka detention center at first hand. The stench of death was overwhelming. Bodies remained in the ruins and melted into the metal bunk beds they were on at the time of the bombing.

Who Killed the POWs at Yelenovka? All Signs on the Ground Point to a Ukrainian Attack