On the first results of the US-Africa Leaders Summit

The world press is actively discussing the results of the first US-Africa Leaders Summit since 2014, held on December 13-15 in Washington.

At first glance this event may seem successful. The forum was attended by delegations from 49 countries plus the African Union and the permanent secretariat of the African Continental Free Trade Area. Only the leaders of those countries that were not invited because of their “non-compliance with democratic standards” (Guinea, Mali, Sudan, Burkina Faso, Eritrea) were not in attendance. It should be noted that the leader of Chad, who also came to power in an unconstitutional way, was at the summit. Apparently, his “authoritarianism” did not interfere with US principles since the country is close in its political positions to the West, primarily to France.

On the first results of the US-Africa Leaders Summit (archived)

35 Years After His Assassination, Thomas Sankara Still Inspires Liberation in Africa

Francis Mampuya (Democratic Republic of Congo), Sankara, 2018.

Thirty-five years ago this month, one of Africa’s greatest revolutionaries was murdered by former comrades.

“Africa’s Che Guevara,” as he was known, was shot down in a coup d’etat by soldiers who were rebelling against his socialist transformation of Burkina Faso, a landlocked and poor remnant of the French colonial empire in West Africa.

35 Years After His Assassination, Thomas Sankara Still Inspires Liberation in Africa

When Will the Stars Shine Again in Burkina Faso?

When Will the Stars Shine Again in Burkina Faso?


War is a plague! My country might disappear! I tell you, war is not a solution! War has no friends nor allies, and there are no real enemies. All people are suffering from this war: Burkina, Ivory Coast… everyone! War rages everywhere in Africa, especially in the North and in the Center of Mali. Hey African people, War is not a solution! War is not a good thing, my poor Malian people. If we are not able to make peace, the whole world will laugh at us. Ageloc, Timbuktu, Kidal War has never built anything; it destroys all that it finds. My country might disappear in a war and its betrayals! War is in Timbuktu, war is everywhere in Mali… Let’s avoid war because it has never built anything.

Oumou Sangaré – Kêlê Magni (Acoustic Version)