Airman on hunger strike at White House over Gaza support


Airman on hunger strike at White House over Gaza support

Herbert said that Bushnell’s message and actions resonated with him, but it was the silence from leadership that really propelled his desire to speak out.

“The response afterwards by the military, specifically my command and then our government – basically just not uttering a word, like not even saying his name or anything and just trying to sweep the whole situation under the rug – that’s what really infuriated me and gave me the resolve to come to DC,” he said.

Genocide against the Palestinians – Craig Mokhiber steps down

Craig Mokhiber has the courage that every international civil servant should have. He has stepped down from his post as Chief of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in protest against the failure of the United Nations to stop the genocide being perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinians. I have known Craig since 1992 and consider him a friend, an intellectually honest, constructive and optimistic UN official, a model for others. But there are times when officials have to step down, because the Organization has allowed itself to be hijacked. Two other friends stepped down from their Assistant-Secretary-General posts in the 1990’s — Denis Halliday and Hans Christoph von Sponeck — because of the complicity of the United Nations in the US-led genocide of Iraq pursuant to thoroughly criminal “sanctions” that killed over a million human beings.

Genocide against the Palestinians – Craig Mokhiber steps down


Faina Savenkova: You Can Speak Russian – Without Fear

On Tuesday, I turn 15. Is it a little or a lot? Who knows. This year has been very difficult. If you see bright events on my channels or pages on the Internet, don’t think it means that I am a person for whom everything is always good. But the main thing is that I am no longer a child, I also live on my own land, in my beloved house with my family, cats and dog. I love my loved ones, and they love me. I didn’t go to another city, I didn’t run away. I’m in the same place I’ve always lived. Where there is still a war going on.

Faina Savenkova: You Can Speak Russian – Without Fear – Donbass Insider

Where is the political courage of yesteryear?

Are We Back to Nuclear Brinkmanship for Good?

In his speech last week, Sullivan said the world was at an “inflection point” that demanded “new strategies for achieving the same goal we’ve held since the Cold War: Reduce the risk of nuclear conflict.” Instead, we seem to be inching inexorably back toward a time when, as Kennedy commented 60 years ago, any “two men, sitting on opposite sides of the world, [can] decide to bring an end to civilization.”

*Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Ms. Cat’s Chronicles.