Pakistan’s misery continues

Pakistan has a general election today. It will decide on the next government of the world’s fifth-most populous nation and the governments of its four provinces — Punjab, Singh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Around 128 million people can vote to pick 266 representatives to form the 16th parliament in a first-past-the-post system. They will also vote to elect the legislatures of the country’s four provinces.

Pakistan’s misery continues

The Hidden Proxy War Washington Wages against China

How a US delisted terror organization still threatens China…

As US-Chinese tensions rise ahead of a feared conflict, it should be noted that the US has been waging a violent proxy war against China both within its borders and along them for years.

This includes direct and indirect support for terrorist organizations including the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). Despite admittedly being a terrorist organization, the US delisted it from its FTO list, allowing support to flow to the group.

The Hidden Proxy War Washington Wages against China (Odysee)

USA’s Dirty Tricks to stop China’s Rise

Jun 15, 2022 Over the last few years a number of Chines citizens have been killed in Pakistan. Is the USA behind this?

USA’s Dirty Tricks to stop China’s Rise via Barrett on YouTube.


Suicide blast in southern Pakistan kills 3 Chinese, driver

NED in Pakistan

Free Baluchistan:

While doing less elsewhere in Pakistan, the United States should do more to support anti-Islamist forces along the southern Arabian Sea coast. First, it should support anti-Islamist Sindhi leaders of the Sufi variant of Islam with their network of 124,000 shrines. Most important, it should aid the 6 million Baluch insurgents fighting for independence from Pakistan in the face of growing ISI repression. Pakistan has given China a base at Gwadar in the heart of Baluch territory. So an independent Baluchistan would serve U.S. strategic interests in addition to the immediate goal of countering Islamist forces.


US War on China’ Belt & Road Continues: Terrorist Attack Targets Chinese Engineers in Pakistan

US-backed Separatists Target Chinese Ambassador in Pakistan

China faces an increase in extremist threats in central Asia, US panel is told

China faces an increase in extremist threats in central Asia, US panel is told

Raffaello Pantucci, a senior fellow at Singapore’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, said that the Islamic State Khorasan (Isis-K) had identified the perpetrator of the suicide bomb attack on worshippers in a mosque in the Afghan city of Kunduz in October as a Uygur.

US policymakers are paying more attention to the growth of China’s geopolitical influence through programmes like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) – which includes the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) – as Washington’s relationship with Beijing has frayed on multiple fronts.

“It used to be the Uygur militants that tended to be responsible for attacks on Chinese diplomats or Chinese businessmen in Kyrgyzstan,” Pantucci added. “Increasingly we see Kyrgyz in general being quite angry towards the Chinese … and we can see similar narratives in Kazakhstan.”

Still, anger against Chinese does not mean that Americans are welcome, Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili, founding director at the University of Pittsburgh’s Centre for Governance and Markets, said.

“The US lost so much credibility because of the way it left Afghanistan,” she said. “Regardless of how you may feel about the intervention, regardless of how you may feel about the withdrawal of decision to withdraw the way the US left, I think it left a very bitter taste in the mouth of many people in the region.”

After all that work, instigating terrorists, they’re still not welcome back! Wonder why?! 🙄

The BLA’s Anti-Chinese Terrorist Attack Is A Failed Attempt To Hold Balochistan Back

The objective socio-economic interests of the Baloch people are inextricably connected with their government’s Chinese-backed plans to comprehensively develop this de facto feudalist province, not in splitting from Pakistan in order to impose a neo-feudalist system upon its already very impoverished population.

The BLA’s Anti-Chinese Terrorist Attack Is A Failed Attempt To Hold Balochistan Back


3 Chinese nationals among 4 dead in suicide attack at Karachi University

3 Chinese nationals among 4 dead in suicide attack at Karachi University

At least four people, including three Chinese nationals, were killed while four others were injured in a suicide attack outside the University of Karachi’s (KU) Confucius Institute, officials said on Tuesday.

3 Chinese nationals among 4 dead in suicide attack at Karachi University


The “Baloch Liberation Army” Is a Foreign-Backed Feudal Terrorist Group

The US and India are well aware of this state of regional affairs and are attempting to exploit it to the utmost, taking advantage of the fact that this terrorist campaign is actually decades old but is being revived in response to CPEC and resultantly receiving a bunch of global news coverage because of it unlike before. To be clear, the Pakistani state is meeting the needs of the local population and addressing their various grievances, so those who are engaging in the BLA’s terrorism aren’t “freedom fighters” but loyal feudalists who are treasonously cooperating with foreign powers in order to suppress their own people. Even so, that angle of their campaign is conspicuously left out of the Mainstream Media’s coverage and only the anti-Chinese one is emphasized for reasons of “political convenience” since there’s a clear contradiction between the “democratic” principles that the US and India allege to support and the anti-democratic goals being advanced by the BLA.

Read More »

Pakistan’s US-Backed Coup Regime Stirs Up Pashtun Hornet’s Nest

Pakistan’s US-Backed Coup Regime Stirs Up Pashtun Hornet’s Nest


Taliban’s Military Opposition and Civil War or Peace in Afghanistan

On the other hand, for several months, the opposition has been trying to lobby for military and economic equipment, people’s aid from the West and the United States, military and strategic support, and recognition of their legitimacy.

In addition, the trend of former forces joining the opposition increases the risk of civil war in Afghanistan’s complex and mountainous geography. In the meantime, some foreign actors may strengthen their position on helping the opposition.

China’s Embrace of the Taliban Complicates US Afghanistan Strategy

Beijing is pursuing two main objectives through its outreach to the Taliban. The first is assurance from the Taliban that they will mitigate threats posed by extremist groups that operate close to China’s borders. In particular, Beijing wants the Taliban to stop the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), which supports Uyghur separatism, from expanding and potentially carrying out attack targeting Chinese interests [AKA BRI] in the region.

Second, Beijing wants to protect the investments it has already made in Afghanistan and plans to make through programs like the BRI. Proposals by Chinese companies to extract and develop Afghanistan’s copper and oil deposits have been on hold for more than a decade due to political instability. With the United States gone, China hopes the Taliban can stabilize the country enough to resume these projects.

China’s willingness to partner with the Taliban undermines American efforts to influence the extremist group’s behavior through pressure campaigns and sanctions. Beijing has directly lobbied on Kabul’s behalf, demanding that Washington return Afghanistan’s frozen assets, a step that would only weaken U.S. leverage. At the aforementioned foreign ministers meeting, Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s statement called for more aid for Afghanistan and made no mention of the Taliban’s human rights record.

Although Washington cannot stop China from working with the group, the United States and likeminded partners can take steps to mitigate China’s growing influence in Afghanistan.

To be sure, India has historically been reluctant to serve as the balancing power to China that Washington seeks in South Asia. Yet the Biden administration should understand India’s national interest in preventing regional dominance by Pakistan and China. A hostile Afghanistan supported by Pakistan and China would diminish India’s positive regional influence and further place New Delhi at the mercy of its rivals. China’s outreach to the Taliban also reaffirms the necessity for future conversations about mitigating Chinese influence in the broader Indo-Pacific as part of continuing dialogue among Australia, India, Japan, and America, also known as the Quad.

Recent meetings between representatives from Beijing and Kabul threaten to subvert American [corporate] interests for peace [😂] and stability [😂] in Asia. China’s actions undermine U.S. leverage and further legitimize the Taliban’s control of Afghanistan.

No chance for peace, and stability, with the US and their vassal states [Pakistan, etc] involved!

Imran Khan loses no-trust vote, prime ministerial term set for unceremonious end

Imran Khan loses no-trust vote, prime ministerial term set for unceremonious end

After announcing results, Sadiq gave the floor to Shehbaz Sharif, who is the joint opposition’s candidate for the post of prime minister.

He rejected the claims that the “threat letter” was fake, adding that the meeting in Washington took place on March 7.

“On March 8, the no-confidence motion was submitted against the prime minister. Look at how these things coincided,” he said, calling for holding an in-camera session.

Human Rights Minister Dr Shireen Mazari’s speech revolved around the alleged US influence on Pakistani politics. “It is this nation’s misfortune that America has always been successful in [changing] the leaders of Pakistan.”

She recalled that the opposition was invited to check the ‘threat letter’ that according to government is ‘proof’ of a foreign-funded conspiracy.

“But I know why you did not come … because you’re a part of that conspiracy, which clearly states that ‘if you will oust Imran Khan and no-confidence vote is successful, then the nation will be forgiven.

“What will be forgiven? What crime has Pakistan done? An independent foreign policy? Who the hell is America to forgive us? And for what crime? For God’s sake have some shame. This is America’s old ways. In the 1950s, America and UK conspired to oust Iranian leader Musaddik — who was a democratic leader.”

She said America has either ousted democratic leaders or assassinated them and has installed dictatorship in countries.

“A few days ago, [US President Joe] Biden went to Poland and said ‘remove Putin and bring regime change’. This is America’s way.”


Succeeded: Regime Change in Pakistan