Report Shows How Military Industrial Complex Sets Media Narrative on Ukraine

Wealthy donors have long funded think tanks with official-sounding names that produce research that reflects the interests of those funders (Extra!, 7/13). The weapons industry is a major contributor to these idea factories; a recent report from the Quincy Institute (6/1/23) demonstrates just how much influence war profiteers have on the national discourse.

Report Shows How Military Industrial Complex Sets Media Narrative on Ukraine

‘Why are we tempting nuclear annihilation?’ — Transcript of Max Blumenthal’s address UN Security Council

The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal addressed the UN Security Council on the role of US military aid to Ukraine in escalating the conflict with Russia and the real motives behind Washington’s support for Kiev’s proxy war.

‘Why are we tempting nuclear annihilation?’ Watch Max Blumenthal address UN Security Council


All aboard the gravy train: an independent audit of US funding for Ukraine

Prigozhin a Tool of the CIA/SBU or Too Big for his Britches?!

Remember when WaPo said that Prigozhin had made a deal with the SBU?! 🧐💭 Wikipedia has already made an entry on the Wagner Group mutiny! Victoria Nuland is probably orgasming right now (sorry for the visual)!

RT: “A video purportedly filmed in Rostov-on-Don shows a tank and an armored personnel carrier (APC) driving past a group of police officers who are guarding a fuel station. More military hardware, including another tank, another APC, two armored cars and a truck, follow shortly afterwards.”
YouTube: “Wagner with the National Guard & Russian Military [supposedly] TAKE OVER Russian Military HQ In Rostov-on-Don”.
RT: “Video purportedly showing an armed confrontation between Wagner PMC forces and the Russian Army.”

Wagner PMC ‘armed coup’ attempt in Russia: all the latest news

  • 00:22 GMT:
  • The White House has said it is “monitoring the situation” in Russia. President Joe Biden has been informed about the developments, National Security Council spokesperson Adam Hodge told the media. US officials indicated that they consider the situation ‘serious’ and beyond Prigozhin’s previous statements launched against the Russian military leadership in the past, according to CNN.


Coup Plot in Russia? Unfolding Drama

Flash : Salammbô

US intervention leaves rifts that take years to heal

by Brian Berletic

With so many countries around the globe still subjected to US influence, either literally occupied by US military forces, or ruled by a government helped into power by significant US assistance (or a combination of the two), and with so many countries the target of possible US-sponsored regime change and interference in contravention of the UN Charter, it is important to take a look at the history of US occupation and the indelible scars it leaves on the countries and their inhabitants even decades after the US finally withdraws.

US intervention leaves rifts that take years to heal