Illinois Rep Rashid among those threatened by armed American Israeli settlers during pogrom in Turmus Ayya, Palestine

Illinois Rep Rashid among those threatened by armed American Israeli settlers during pogrom in Turmosaya, Palestine

The American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee has called for an official investigation into American Israelis who hold dual citizenship and who are involved in a growing wave of anti-Palestinian pogroms and violence. State Rep. Abdelnasser Rashid sends letter to his legislative colleagues to detail his predicament in the threatening environment but to no response. Gov. J.B. Pritzker remains silent

Illinois Rep Rashid among those threatened by armed American Israeli settlers during pogrom in Turmosaya, Palestine


American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Urges Criminal Investigation into US Citizens Involved in Attacks on Palestinian Civilians in West Bank

Hasbara Industry: Deconstructing Israel’s Propaganda Machine

Tel Aviv is, however, finding it increasingly difficult to whitewash its entrenched apartheid system and ongoing genocide, especially in light of the openly racist policies and practices of the current right-wing regime cobbled together by its legally-plagued prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Luntz states that when Americans are told that Iran supports Hezbollah and Hamas, they will be inclined to be more supportive of Israel. Therefore, when talking about them to repeatedly say “Iran-backed” Hamas and Hezbollah.

Hasbara Industry: Deconstructing Israel’s Propaganda Machine (archived)


Hasbara Handbook: The Israel Project’s 2009 Global Language Dictionary

The secret report that helps Israel hide facts (archived)

Facts About Israel That You May Not Know (archived)

The Lobby – USA

In wake of Mexican Senate Vote to Recognize Palestine, Palestinians seek to upgrade to Full Embassy in Mexico City

N.B. Some commentators allege that this announcement is solely from the Palestinian side and does not in fact represent the policy of the Mexican executive. IC has a call into the Mexican Embassy for reaction. In the meantime, this article has been revised to reflect that our information on this issue only comes from the PA. As noted below, the Mexican Senate did vote to recognize Palestine in November 2022.

In wake of Mexican Senate Vote to Recognize Palestine, Palestinians seek to upgrade to Full Embassy in Mexico City

‘Antifascists’ Burley, Sunshine, Ross use ‘troll farm’ to try to cancel Palestine activists

Shane Burley, Spencer Sunshine, & Alexander Reid Ross lead a social media mob to try to ‘cancel’ such prominent organizers / intellectuals as Norman Finkelstein, Medea Benjamin, Jodie Evans, Alison Weir, Vijay Prashad, Max Blumenthal…

They also target progressive media like CounterPunch, Mintpress News, Dissident Voice

Their version of “antifascism” involves viciously attacking longtime critics of Israeli apartheid through lies and innuendo, and editing their Wikipedia pages

The goal: destroy the movement, one victim at a time…

‘Antifascists’ Burley, Sunshine, Ross use ‘troll farm’ to try to cancel Palestine activists

Sounds like a Mossad op.

International leaders push social media companies to ban anti-Zionist speech

The international effort to criminalize criticism of Israel is hitting new strides. Bringing the weight of numerous Western governments, the so-called Interparliamentary Task Force to Combat Online Antisemitism has renewed efforts to label criticism of Israel as antisemitism and to thereby enable online censorship of any such criticism.

International leaders push social media companies to ban anti-Zionist speech