Former SMART-TD top official floats idea of forcing through sellout rail contract even if workers reject

A former top railroad union official has floated the idea of union bureaucrats forcing through a sellout contract even if workers vote it down, either by unilaterally declaring it passed or having it enforced by the government by sending it to binding arbitration.

Former SMART-TD top official floats idea of forcing through sellout rail contract even if workers reject


Might Union Chiefs Override Member Vote?

Notwithstanding the Biden Administration basking in the political sunlight of tentative agreements being reached, the threat of an economy-jolting nationwide rail shutdown remains—and will be pinned on Biden and Democrats if it occurs prior to mid-term elections in November. Hence, there’s chatter as to whether rail labor leaders, very much invested in Democratic success in mid-term elections, might override a membership rejection of the tentative agreement or, alternatively, seek binding arbitration so as to avoid a work stoppage damaging to Democratic candidates.

“It’s Not Over”: While Biden Touts Rail Deal, Workers Have Yet to Vote—And Many Remain Skeptical

A national rail strike could still be on the table if rank-and-file workers reject the tentative agreement announced by the White House this week.

“It’s Not Over”: While Biden Touts Rail Deal, Workers Have Yet to Vote—And Many Remain Skeptical


Democratic House Speaker Pelosi to rail workers: Accept a pro-company deal or we’ll force you to

Railway Workers Fight Shows Need for Paid Sick and Family Leave + More Updates

“It staggers the imagination that in September 2022 the workers who keep the trains running did not have even one sick day to care for themselves.”

Railway Workers Fight Shows Need for Paid Sick and Family Leave, Says Economist


“30 Years in the Making”: U.S. Rail Strike Averted by Tentative Deal as Workers Decry Grueling Conditions

Live updates: Railroad workers livid over deal brokered by Biden and unions to prevent strike