Donors to Bob Menendez Legal Defense Linked to ex-Terror Group

Disclosure: it’s a reprint of an article by Eli Clifton from The Responsible Statecraft and The Intercept. If you have a problem with that, this is for you.

Donors to Bob Menendez Legal Defense Linked to ex-Terror Group (archived)

Much of the cash in the fund — he has raised over $400,000 — comes from sources one might anticipate. New Jersey and New York donors with various business and political interests in his home state, including the real estate firm led by Jared Kushner’s family, have given the fund money. There are, however, many lesser-known donors. One is Ahmad Moeinimanesh, an electronic engineer from Northern California. Another is Hossein Afshari, also from California.


Iranian exiles, DC lobbyists and the campaign to delist the MEK

The Iranian American Community of Northern California. It paid $400,000 over the past year to a Washington lobby group, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, to work on Capitol Hill to work for the removal of the MEK from the list of foreign terrorist organisations. The company assigned several former members of Congress to the account. The IACNC has also organised events in support of unbanning the MEK with appearances by Ros-Lehtinen and other prominent members of Congress as well as former White House officials.

Its director, Ahmad Moeinimanesh, has made personal financial donations to Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the chair of the House of Representatives foreign affairs committee even though her congressional district is on the other side of the country in Florida, as well as to her reelection committee. She has accepted more than $20,000 in political contributions from activists who support the MEK’s delisting.

The IACNC’s registered address is at a photocopying shop in Albany, California, owned by Behnam Mirabdal who has made financial donations to Ros-Lehtinen and Dana Rohrabacher, a subcommittee chairman who is among the most vigorous proponents of unbanning the MEK.

The American mainstream media suppresses the assassination of six US advisors by the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK)

‘Lying, cheating, stealing’ ex-CIA chief parties with anti-Iran terrorists again

By Kit Klarenberg

On December 17, former US secretary of state and CIA director, Mike Pompeo, headlined an Organization of Iranian American Communities summit in Washington in support of the so-called “uprising” in Iran, amid his push for Republican candidacy in the 2024 elections.

‘Lying, cheating, stealing’ ex-CIA chief parties with anti-Iran terrorists again

Iran names countries behind riots

Anti-government unrest was “a design” of Washington and Tel Aviv, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has said

Iran names countries behind riots


Abdorrahman Boroumand Center

ABC board members include journalist and historian [Neocon] Anne Applebaum, political scientist [Neocon] Francis Fukuyama, and writers Azar Nafisi and Iraj Pezeshkzad.

The Center receives most of its funding from private European and American foundations. It also receives some public funding, including from the National Endowment for Democracy. The Center claims to receive no funding from governmental sources [😂]. In 2010, the Ministry of Intelligence (Iran) listed the Center (then known as the Foundation) as a “subversive” organization.

NGOs & Alt Media Outlets in the Service of Imperialism