For a Just and Multipolar World Order: Russia and China Strengthen Alliance

The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has arrived in China on his first official visit abroad after his recent inauguration. He was received by his Chinese counterpart, President Xi Jinping, with whom he held talks agreeing to deepen mutual political trust and contribute to global security and stability.

For a Just and Multipolar World Order: Russia and China Strengthen Alliance


Xi Agrees To Deepen China-Russia Military Ties, Brushing Off US Warnings

Vladimir Putin Promotes Traditional Culture over “Cancel” Culture – English Subtitles

Michael Rossi Poli Sci

Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses the plenary session of the 9th St Petersburg International Cultural Forum – the Forum of United Cultures.

His opening remarks note the value of traditional national culture in forms of art, literature, music, language, and values, while noting the growing trend in Western countries of “cancel culture” that, in his view, deviates from historical development and contribution.

This opening address is part of a two-hour segment devoted to the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum, which Putin was the main guest at the Plenary Session.

The remaining parts will be uploaded in 25 – 30 minute segments that include questions and comments from participating members of the audience.

The whole series is available in a new Playlist “2023 St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum“.

In original Russian with English subtitles

Recorded November 17, 2023

Original video and transcript

Vladimir Putin Promotes Traditional Culture over “Cancel” Culture – English Subtitles