Former Western prime ministers propose military alliance with Ukraine

Former Western prime ministers propose military alliance with Ukraine

On Tuesday, a group of former prime ministers, foreign ministers and other high-level officials from NATO countries published a document effectively proposing a formal alliance between Ukraine and NATO countries that, if adopted, threatens to transform the proxy war in Ukraine into a full-scale conflict between NATO and Russia.

The document hints at the creation of a “no-fly zone” in Ukraine, pointing to a “set of agreements, between Ukraine and countries producing anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense equipment to provide Ukraine with modern and effective air defense and anti-missile defense systems in sufficient quantity to ensure a ‘closed sky’ from air attacks.”

The shit-posting, Twitter-trolling, dog-deploying social media army taking on Putin one meme at a time

The shit-posting, Twitter-trolling, dog-deploying social media army taking on Putin one meme at a time



Here’s How To Neutralize NAFO Trolls & Get Cartoon Dogs To Promote Pro-Russian Posts

Shitposting Shiba Inu Accounts Chased a Russian Diplomat Offline

If you’re plugged into the U.S. military social media sphere, they’re impossible to miss. They’re cute and ludicrous anthropomorphic Shiba avatars. They’re cute faces poking over track suits and army fatigues, some wear suits, some carry military equipment. These are the Fellas. Jack McCain, helicopter pilot and son of John McCain, uses a Fella avatar. CNN analyst and retired U.S. Army officer Mark Hertling is sharing the meme. U.S. Army Major General Patrick Donahoe is using a Fella avatar.

Meet the Ex-CIA Agents Deciding Facebook’s Content Policy + Social Media Is a Tool of the CIA

It is an uncomfortable job for anyone trying to draw the line between “harmful content and protecting freedom of speech. It’s a balance”, Aaron says. In this official Facebook video, Aaron identifies himself as the manager of “the team that writes the rules for Facebook”, determining “what is acceptable and what is not.” Thus, he and his team effectively decide what content the platform’s 2.9 billion active users see and what they don’t see.

Meet the Ex-CIA Agents Deciding Facebook’s Content Policy


[2011] Social Media Is a Tool of the CIA. Seriously.

Google is already helping the government write, and rewrite, history. Here, from its transparency report, are some stats on the amount of information it has either given to the government or wiped from the web based on requests by U.S. agencies:

US Government requests to remove content from Google Transparency Report

The Global NATO Alliance, the European Left, and the Crack in Everything

Disclaimer: The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site.

The Democratic Party is unquestioningly supporting an endless proxy war and has been reluctant to press President Biden to prioritize a negotiated settlement to the war.

The Global NATO Alliance, the European Left, and the Crack in Everything

[03-2022] Ukraine’s Propaganda Offensive, Led By Ad-Tech Entrepreneurs, Appears To Be Winning

Ukraine’s Propaganda Offensive, Led By Ad-Tech Entrepreneurs, Appears To Be Winning

As Ukraine’s cyber army takes the war to Russian banks and government websites, it’s working with Elon Musk to set up satellite internet. Two former ad-tech entrepreneurs are leading the country’s information warfare charge. Are they winning?

Ukrainian propaganda has included exaggerations and untruths, [Dmitri] Alperovitch said, noting that many of its claims were “doubtful or proven to be false.” For example, [Mykhailo] Fedorov’s claim that the Moscow Exchange, which was offline Monday, was still down the next day thanks to a cyberattack by the IT army, was proven not to be true.

David Betz, professor of war in the modern world at King’s College London, agreed that Ukraine was filling the web with fake information, though Russians were quick to point out fabrications. “What’s been impressive on Telegram is how rapidly the Russians are taking them apart,” he said. Conversely, he said that he believed some Russian information, surprisingly, was being provided with little obvious embellishment. He pointed to a Telegram channel, where figures for destroyed military targets were being published with little fanfare and appeared to be accurate.

“I think that [Ukraine] is winning international opinion, but that’s largely because every Western media organization and government is amplifying and repeating their narrative, despite the fact that [Ukraine’s propaganda is] fake and verifiably fake to anybody that has the gumption to do basic research,” Betz added.

The Ukrainian IT army’s operations are being done in the open on the social-media app Telegram, where target lists of Russian entities are posted and members have been encouraged to send reports to Google’s YouTube to ban Russian broadcasters, such as Russia24. YouTube, though it has blocked channels connected to RT and Sputnik across Europe, hasn’t taken action or responded to requests for information on Russia24. “Our teams continue to monitor the situation around the clock to take swift action,” a YouTube spokesperson said.

Obviously, I missed this. This link is from the previously posted article. Wanted it to have it’s own post.

No sooner appointed than new Georgian FM summoned to NATO HQ

Georgian FM to hold meetings at EU, NATO on April 6-8

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Ilia Darchiashvili, will visit the EU and NATO headquarters on April 6-8, Trend reports citing

No sooner appointed than new Georgian FM summoned to NATO HQ


Ukraine war, NATO Foreign Ministers meeting kicks off:

[Jens Stoltenberg] added:“We need to support Ukraine, sustain our sanctions, and strengthen our defences and our deterrence”.

In the Strategic Concept we need to address the security consequences of Russia’s aggressive actions, of the shifting global balance of power, the security consequences of a much stronger China, and the challenges Russia and China are posing together to our rules based international order and our democratic values.

But of course also in the Strategic Concept, we will sort out the strategy for how to deal with cyber, hybrid, terrorism, and also the security consequences of climate change. So I’m looking forward to the meeting and it will be, an important meeting. Not least facing the grim reality in Ukraine. And with that, I’m ready to take your questions. He said.