Francis Fukuyama and Michael McFaul are salivating over the Wagner Group mutiny!

Francis Fukuyama, who hasn’t seen a regime change op that he hasn’t liked, and Michael McFaul, former US ambassador to Russia, are salivating over the Wagner Group mutiny!

Did Wagner Group Take Over Military Headquarters? What We Know


Interesting that McFaul mentioned Tilley and Trotsky.


The Neocons:

The Neocons are not new. They have tried to influence U.S. foreign policy since the 1930’s. They are not conservative. If conservatism means maintaining the status quo, then the Neocons, who advocate broad changes, are just the opposite. Furthermore, if the early pioneers of neoconservatism are those who eventually sought global stability through use of American power and promotion of its values, then the pioneers of neoconservatiam were radical leftists The more prominent devotees were followers of Leon Trotsky:

A Tragedy of Errors

Prigozhin a Tool of the CIA/SBU or Too Big for his Britches?!

How Czech President And Former General Petr Pavel Succumbed To Nazi Ideas Against Russians

“I can feel sorry for these people, but at the same time, when you look back, when World War II started, the entire Japanese population living in the United States was also under strict surveillance,” Pavel said. That the internment of the Japanese is considered, in the words of US President Joe Biden, “one of the most shameful periods in American history”, Petr Pavel does not seem bothered. Besides the fact that Czechs are familiar with Nazi camps, the Terezin Ghetto in the Czech Republic was one of the largest Nazi concentration camps in Europe during World War II.

How Czech President And Former General Petr Pavel Succumbed To Nazi Ideas Against Russians


Czech President Says Russians in the West Should Be ‘Monitored’ Like Japanese Were in the US During WWII

How about we round up the psychopathic warmongers and put them in internment camps?!

10 worst mass killers, regimes and dictators

Naturally this list is subjective to an extent, and probably contains some mistakes and things that I missed. However, I think the top 3 are somewhat obvious and its no great surprise why I chose the regimes and dictators that I did. My criteria was their death toll, their reactionary power and influence, and also their plans and the resulting death toll, even if some of those plans were not fulfilled.

10 worst mass killers, regimes and dictators

Video: 10 worst mass killers, regimes and dictators

How Zelensky was Prevented From Making Peace in the Donbas

A true story censored by the media bubble

There are two Volodymyr Zelenskys: the one we have known since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, who has since been celebrated every day in the Western media as a hero with a spotless white (or green) vest; the other, who was less well-known prior to this significant escalation of the war, which, according to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, began in 2014. (Here are details on the actual start of this war in 2014).

How Zelensky was Prevented From Making Peace in the Donbas

Why Does Humanity Still Tolerate the Tragedy of Wars in the 21st Century? The Big Picture

Since the end of the Second World War (1939-1945), there have been many civil wars and several important regional military conflicts between two or more countries, but none has evolved into a general world war involving all the most heavily armed countries. The most serious regional wars were the Korean War (1950-1953), the Vietnam War (1955-1975), the Iraq War (2003-2011), the Syria War (2011- ), and the Ukraine War (2022- ).

Why Does Humanity Still Tolerate the Tragedy of Wars in the 21st Century? The Big Picture

H/T: Der Friedensstifter

Capitalism’s Court Jester: Slavoj Žižek

One of the most prominent intellectuals in the contemporary world was named to the list of the “Top 100 Global Thinkers” in Foreign Policy magazine in 2012. He shares this distinction with the likes of Dick Cheney, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Benjamin Netanyahu, and former Mossad director Meir Dagan. The theorist’s best idea—according to this well-known publication that is a virtual arm of the U.S. State Department—is that “the big revolution the left is waiting for will never come.”

Capitalism’s Court Jester: Slavoj Žižek


Upcoming: Gabriel Rockhill | Why Slavoj Žižek is Capitalism’s Court Jester (YouTube)

The Rational Destruction of Yugoslavia

Ukrainian army bombs Kalinina hospital in Donetsk for two days in a row

Continuing its tactic of terrorist bombardments against the inhabitants of Donetsk, the Ukrainian army shelled the Kalinina hospital (the largest and most important hospital in the city) for two days in a row, killing one patient and wounding four others. The latter were evacuated after the first shelling, avoiding a much higher death toll.

Ukrainian army bombs Kalinina hospital in Donetsk for two days in a row

The alliance of MI6, the CIA and the Banderites

After having shown that the war in Ukraine was prepared by the Straussians and triggered on February 17 by Kiev’s attack on the Donbass, Thierry Meyssan returns to the secret history that links the Anglo-Saxons to the Banderites since the fall of the Third Reich. He sounds the alarm: we have not been able to see the resurgence of Nazi racialism in Ukraine and in the Baltic States for thirty years, nor do we see that many of the Ukrainian civilians we welcome are steeped in Banderites’ ideology. We are waiting for Nazi attacks to begin in Western Europe before we wake up.

The alliance of MI6, the CIA and the Banderites