Another Zionist assassination in Damascus next to South African Embassy

Another Zionist assassination in Damascus next to South African Embassy

The IRGC announced the martyrdom of 4 of its advisors in Syria, including the head of intelligence in Syria and his deputy:

– Hojatollah Omidvar

– Ali Aqazadeh

– Hossein Mohammadi

– Saeed Karimi

Additional Syrians were murdered in the attack, alongside uninvolved civilians. Severe damage to civilian property was caused in the Israeli aggression on the Syrian capital.

The attack was in Western Villas, central Damascus close to the UN and other Embassies. This is a high security area.

Vanessa Beeley


Four IRGC advisors assassinated in Israeli aggression on Syria

Iranian Revolutionary Guards Killed in Israeli Strike on Damascus

Did the Syrian Revolution Have Popular Support?

by William Van Wagenen | Aug 3, 2022

In the mainstream view, the armed groups fighting the Syrian government since 2011, collectively known as the Free Syrian Army (FSA), were part of a Syrian revolution that represented the Syrian people. At the same time, the Syrian government, or Assad regime, allegedly represented only a small number of loyalists, in particular from President Assad’s minority Alawite community. Such a view undergirded demands by Western and Gulf-funded think tank scholars, who claimed that the Syrian people wished for FSA groups to be armed, and even for Western military intervention on behalf of the FSA, whose fighters they sympathetically described as rebels.

Did the Syrian Revolution Have Popular Support?

Ukraine – The U.S. Is Moving Towards Escalation

Ukraine – The U.S. Is Moving Towards Escalation

The Pentagon is not ready for a war on China. Iran is too strong and would respond to an attack by launching its huge missile arsenal on Israel and U.S. allies in the Gulf. This leaves Syria*. It is unlikely by chance that the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that the U.S. is coordinating Israeli airstrikes in that country:


*Report: Russia warns to strike US-allied militants in Syria’s al-Tanf region

Transcript of Vladimir Putin’s speech at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum Plenary session

It’s Different, They’re White: Media Ignore Conflicts Around the World to Focus on Ukraine

A MintPress News analysis found that in a single week Fox News, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC ran almost 1,300 separate stories on the Ukraine invasion, two stories on the Syria attack, one on Somalia, and none at all on the Saudi-led war on Yemen.

It’s Different, They’re White: Media Ignore Conflicts Around the World to Focus on Ukraine