British rapper Lowkey vows not to be silenced on Palestine after bid to remove him from Spotify

British rapper Lowkey vows not to be silenced on Palestine after bid to remove him from Spotify


Israel pulls the plug on its anti-BDS app — ‘a failure from the start’

“Keeping up with the evolving trends of social media, Act-IL is decommissioning the App, and will continue working with all of our other social medial platforms and community channels,” reads an email to the app’s users. “We are not going anywhere! I invite you to remain active, follow us on Instagram, Facebook and all our other channels where we will continue to share daily calls to action and impactful educational content.”

Israel’s ban on Palestinian spouses becomes permanent law– a triumph for ‘Jewish state’

Israel’s ban on Palestinian spouses becomes permanent law– a triumph for ‘Jewish state’

What Shaked calls “a state of all its citizens” is really what we would normally call a democratic state, where basic rights like family unification are ensured. Whoever is fooled by Israel’s security and “terror” arguments, should read Shaked’s last tweet text again. If you want to summarize it even further, it really just says “A democratic state – 0”.