Personal post: 04-30-2024

I’ve uploaded a few video clips to my Rumble. Otherwise, I haven’t been doing many. This following video I found on Reddit.

TikTokNora Yang

Earlier today, I finished listening to Capital, Vol. 1. I’m definitely going to have to read the book, as I did fall asleep during a couple of chapters. Bad me, I know. It’s been hard for me to listen to audiobooks, anymore, because I’ve been falling asleep to a YouTube playlist for the past few years.

Anyway, I’m tired, and I am going to take a cat nap. Good night!

Update: Google’s Gemini is Anti-Communist!

It wouldn’t make me a picture of a cat reading The Communist Manifesto! 😾

I asked it in the wrong way, apparently.

Here’s what it said when I asked for a cat with the hammer and sickle.

I tried with Microsoft’s Copilot, instead. I also asked it to make me a picture of a cat reading Das Kapital. They’re spelled wrong, though! I suppose that it’s cat-speak?! 🤷🏼‍♀️

Here’s the Communist cats that they made for me. I like the pixelated one the best. It has my resting bitch face! 😹