Francis Fukuyama and Michael McFaul are salivating over the Wagner Group mutiny!

Francis Fukuyama, who hasn’t seen a regime change op that he hasn’t liked, and Michael McFaul, former US ambassador to Russia, are salivating over the Wagner Group mutiny!

Did Wagner Group Take Over Military Headquarters? What We Know


Interesting that McFaul mentioned Tilley and Trotsky.


The Neocons:

The Neocons are not new. They have tried to influence U.S. foreign policy since the 1930’s. They are not conservative. If conservatism means maintaining the status quo, then the Neocons, who advocate broad changes, are just the opposite. Furthermore, if the early pioneers of neoconservatism are those who eventually sought global stability through use of American power and promotion of its values, then the pioneers of neoconservatiam were radical leftists The more prominent devotees were followers of Leon Trotsky:

A Tragedy of Errors

Prigozhin a Tool of the CIA/SBU or Too Big for his Britches?!

The Bipartisanship Racket: Fellow Centrists Warn No Labels 2024 Bid Would Just Hurt Biden

JEEZ, can’t we all just get along? Can’t we be civilized? Can’t we reach across the aisle, find common ground and get things done? Can’t we have a new Morning in America as clubby and chipper as MSNBC’s daily gabfest, “Morning Joe”?

The Bipartisanship Racket


Fellow Centrists Warn No Labels 2024 Bid Would Just Hurt Biden

Yay! Another party to support the “bipartisan consensus” on Ukraine and China! /sarcasm (the yellow is for piss)

Palestinian journalists are under attack by Israel lobby groups for reporting the truth from Palestine

Zionist watchdog groups have launched smear campaigns to silence the voices of Palestinian journalists, often causing many of them to lose their jobs. Will media organizations continue to allow such groups to dictate their journalism, or will they dare to be as fearless as the Palestinian journalists they claim to support?

Palestinian journalists are under attack by Israel lobby groups for reporting the truth from Palestine

Freelance Photographer Says He Was Fired by NYT Over Support for Palestinian Resistance

“What is taking place is a systematic effort to distort the image of Palestinian journalists as being incapable of trustworthiness and integrity, simply because we cover the human rights violations that the Palestinian people undergo on a daily basis at hands of the Israeli army.”

Freelance Photographer Says He Was Fired by NYT Over Support for Palestinian Resistance