RAIR Research


Unmasked anti-Muslim troll Amy Mekelburg connected to Chris Gaubatz

Information published on social media and reviewed by Hatewatch show that RAIR’s president is Chris Gaubatz, a well-known anti-Muslim figure previously affiliated with the hate group Understanding the Threat. …

Though not the most outspoken anti-Muslim figure, Gaubatz has presented Islam as a violent religion and subscribes to a variety of anti-Muslim conspiracy theories. In 2016, he joined up with former FBI agent turned anti-Muslim conspiracist John Guandolo. Up until April of this year, Gaubatz served as vice-president of Guandolo’s consulting firm Understanding the Threat (UTT). During that time, Guandolo and Gaubatz traveled the country providing training seminars about the “jihadi threat” to law enforcement and civilians. …

Trump’s Loudest Anti-Muslim Twitter Troll Is A Shady Vegan Married To An (Ousted) WWE Exec

Siino, meanwhile, moved to Los Angeles to launch a doomed internet media startup called WeMash with Quincy Jones III, son of the famous music producer. …

Mekelburg had also been trying to make inroads into what Ibrahim Hooper calls “the cottage-industry of Islam haters,” which is run by bigots such as Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, David Horowitz, Brigitte Gabriel and Frank Gaffney — several of whom have close ties to the Republican establishment and the Trump administration. Their efforts can be remunerative, thanks to generous funding from conservative and libertarian foundations such as the Donors Capital Fund.

Mekelburg’s best connection to this world was through Anni Cyrus, who produces The Glazov Gang, an Islamophobic talk show that can be found on YouTube. Host Jamie Glazov is the editor of one of Horowitz’s anti-Muslim publications. Mekelburg asked for Cyrus’ help in launching her own anti-Muslim organization. Cyrus, who did not respond to HuffPost’s requests for comment, greeted Mekelburg’s overture with enthusiasm. …

Mekelburg named her organization Resistance Against Islamic Radicals (RAIR). She created a website, set up a Facebook page and a Twitter handle, and recruited Cortez to design artwork from behind bars, according to Galasso. RAIR’s mission would be “to stop the Jihadi infiltration in our American communities.” Mekelburg didn’t mention herself anywhere on the organization’s website. Under an “accomplices” section, however, she posted the names, photos and contact information for people and groups she believed were collaborating with jihadi terrorists. That could mean anyone with a connection to Islam.


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Jordan Peterson Shills for the Zionist Entity

Aug 27, 2022 — The Canadian academic, Jordan Peterson, has raised the ire of Muslims around the world with his latest video he proceeds to lecture Muslims on opening up to other groups of people.

He even suggests that they must begin penpal relationships with different sects, including Jewish people. The caption for the video states clearly what the motive behind the video is: “In the aftermath of the Abraham Accords, Dr Jordan B Peterson suggests that the Muslim community can set a historical example by reaching across the aisle and making contact with whom they regard as “the enemy.” But what about the media platform which produced the video with Peterson?

Shapiro is “a friend” of the US Special Envoy for Economic Normalization, Aryeh Lightstone, and has hosted several interviews to promote the Abraham Accords, including with admitted liar Mike Pompeo. Ben Shapiro once tweeted that “Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage.

The Daily Wire has recently signed him for a substantial figure. It is managed on a day-to-day basis by Chief Operating Officer, Jon Lewis, who is a former Intelligence Analyst in the US Marine Corps. It also employs former US Military Intelligence officer, Wesley Schmidt, in Customer Service Analytics. One of the founders of The Daily Wire is Ben Shapiro, a well known pro-Israel YouTuber.

Prior to founding The Daily Wire, Shapiro was a Shillman Fellow at the controversial David Horowitz Freedom Center. His role was provided by Robert Shillman, a board member of The Friends of the IDF, who pumps millions into the building of illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

The other founder of The Daily Wire, Jeremy Boreing was intimately involved in the Prager University project founded by Israel lobbyist Dennis Pragar. The CEO PragerU is Marissa Streit, formerly of the military intelligence unit 8200 in the Israeli occupation forces. The current Senior Editor and Researcher at PragerU is Richard Lim who was previously Deputy Associate Director at the White House and then went onto be a Program Analyst at the FBI.

The Daily Wire not only shared Jeremy Boreing with the PragerU project, but also funders. Both organizations were financed by fracking billionaires the Wilks brothers. The Wilks brothers provided the seed funding for The Daily Wire and regular financial support for the PragerU. Dan Wilks foundation also lavished financial support on Liberty Counsel which has a Stand With Israel campaign which consists of tours of the apartheid state and includes briefings by Israeli government, military, business, and academic leaders.

Both Shapiro and the PragarU project have also enjoyed funding from the Bradley Foundation which has financed a panoply of Zionist organizations including ones involved in illegal settlement building in the West Bank. So, we see that the media organization behind Jordan Peterson’s normalization video has considerable links to not only US but Israeli intelligence.

Jordan Peterson Shills for the Zionist Entity via World Liberation in Progress