Why Did Washington Insist on the Kosovo War?

The following remarks were delivered at a conference marking the 25th anniversary of the NATO bombing of Serbia: “The 1999 Red-Green Bombing Terror against Serbia,” held on March 20, 2024, at the Bundestag in Berlin hosted by MdB Dr. Rainer Rothfuß and his Alternative for Germany parliamentary group.

Why Did Washington Insist on the Kosovo War?


Bosnia II: The Clinton Administration Sets Course for NATO Intervention in Kosovo

Meet Mr. Massacre 

Breakup of Yugoslavia

Ukraine Grenade Attack Heralds Coming Terror Wave

On December 15th, horrific footage began circulating widely. In it, an individual bursts into a crowded local Ukrainian council meeting in Keretsky, Zakarpattia Oblast, then casually scatters grenades across the room, which duly detonate within seconds. The BBC reported 26 individuals were injured in the ensuing blast, six of them severely, while one was killed. The shocking story almost immediately vanished from mainstream view, and details remain sketchy.

Ukraine Grenade Attack Heralds Coming Terror Wave

Former Venezuelan Coup Plotter, Greedo, Hired By Florida College to Speak on ‘Defending Democracy’ + More

Juan Guaido was hired by Florida International University (FIU) to give a series of talks and mentor students. Guaido launched a coup attempt in Venezuela in 2019 but failed to gain any significant support within the country.

Former Venezuelan Coup Plotter Hired By Florida College to Speak on ‘Defending Democracy’


Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó is teaching at FIU. But it’s only for a while

In April 2023, Guaidó said Colombian authorities threatened to turn him over to Maduro after entering the country for a forum about the Venezuelan crisis. The Biden administration helped Guaidó leave Colombia and come to Miami.

Two former Latin American presidents, a U.S. business leader and diplomat, and a European foreign minister named Senior Leadership Fellows at the FIU Adam Smith Center

Jamil Mahuad** [Fulbright Program, Harvard Kennedy School], president of Ecuador from 1998 to 2000.

Robin S. Bernstein*** [American University School of International Service, George Washington University School of Business]

Miomir Žužul [Harvard Kennedy School]

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Kucinich Says Call for Diplomacy to End Ukraine-Russia War Must be Heard; Silencing of Congressional Progressive Caucus Casts Dems as the “War Party”

Dandelion Salad | Republished with permission from David Swanson at World Beyond War by Dennis Kucinich

CLEVELAND (Oct. 26) Weds — Dennis J. Kucinich, former Congressman and former Democratic Presidential candidate today called upon Congressional Democrats to “rethink their opposition to diplomacy” as a means to end the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Kucinich Says Call for Diplomacy to End Ukraine-Russia War Must be Heard; Silencing of Congressional Progressive Caucus Casts Dems as the “War Party”

Take Action:

Email Congress and White House: We Demand Restraint, Diplomacy, and Negotiations

West Caught Meddling in Bosnia Election

Oct 12, 2022 – Who is helping Bosnia recount the votes of their Presidential election? It turns out that the UK and NATO are helping with this recount even though the law in Bosnia does not allow this. So why do some countries get a vote recount and others do not? Who has something to gain here? We speak to Bosnian independent journalist Alexsandar Pavic to break this down.

West caught MEDDLING in Bosnia election, recount in doubt | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris via Redacted


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The U.S. wants to turn Ethiopia into Bosnia

The U.S. wants to turn Ethiopia into Bosnia


Slobodan Milosevic: The killing of an innocent man

Empire Politician – 1993-1995: Bosnia

Biden repeatedly called for use of force, lifting of arms embargoes, airstrikes, and deployment of U.S. troops to attack Bosnian Serb forces. He has boasted, “I’m the first guy to call for airstrikes in Bosnia and wrote that lift-and-strike policy” — which meant lifting the arms embargo against Bosnian forces and conducting U.S. airstrikes against Serbian positions. Biden asserted that the U.S. had both moral and strategic justifications for intervening.