Fort Benning – New Name, Same Shame

As of Thursday May 11, 2023, “Fort Benning,” home of the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC) became “Fort Moore.” The name change was part of a broader initiative by the U.S. military to remove the names of Confederate officers from military bases at the recommendation of a congressional commission.

Fort Benning – New Name, Same Shame


The US School That Trains Dictators & Death Squads (Video)

50 years after Chile’s coup, Salvador Allende’s grandson speaks about Britain’s role in the rise of Pinochet

Margaret Thatcher with Chilean dictator, General Augusto Pinochet

In Santiago, Declassified spoke with Pablo Sepúlveda Allende about Margaret Thatcher’s friendship with Chile’s dictator and how Labour helped him evade justice for crimes against humanity.

50 years after Chile’s coup, Salvador Allende’s grandson speaks about Britain’s role in the rise of Pinochet


The end of Allende

Why Is the Biden Administration Rewarding Elliott Abrams?

Why Is the Biden Administration Rewarding Elliott Abrams?

The United States owes other nations something different, something new. Democracy is in peril at home and abroad partly because of the impunity that keeps Abrams employed. Though his latest role may be somewhat ceremonial, his appointment is out of step with the demands of our time. There should be consequences for someone like Elliott Abrams. At minimum, it ought to be possible to fail out of public service, but for that to happen, we have to change the way we define failure. The massacre in El Mozote was one such failing — not a regrettable historical footnote but a catastrophic atrocity that indicts the administration Abrams served. His reward must be ignominy. The world deserves nothing less.


Biden Nominates Elliott Abrams to Public Diplomacy Commission

Musk’s Starlink: Aiding Terrorists in Myanmar

Source: Democratic Voice of Burma, “funded in part by non-governmental organizations such as Free Voice of the Netherlands, the National Endowment for Democracy, and the Freedom of Expression Foundation.” – Wikipedia.

David Eubank, the founder of the Free Burma Rangers, expressed his gratitude to Elon Musk in a Tweet on Twitter for bringing Starlink Internet to some parts of Kayah (Karenni) State, which previously lacked stable internet access due to the civil war.

Free Burma Rangers boss thanks Elon Musk for bringing Starlink internet to Myanmar’s conflict-ridden Kayah

H/T: Jason Hunt


An Overview of the Activities of Intelligence Organizations in Syria – The Free Burma Rangers (archived)

If US Can’t Have Myanmar, No One Will

10 worst mass killers, regimes and dictators

Naturally this list is subjective to an extent, and probably contains some mistakes and things that I missed. However, I think the top 3 are somewhat obvious and its no great surprise why I chose the regimes and dictators that I did. My criteria was their death toll, their reactionary power and influence, and also their plans and the resulting death toll, even if some of those plans were not fulfilled.

10 worst mass killers, regimes and dictators

Video: 10 worst mass killers, regimes and dictators