Sun Yat-sen

The revolutionary role of the Malayan Chinese community in the 20th century/Comrade Confucius


Sun Yat-sen’s Connection To China And The U.S.

Sun Yat-sen’s image became frozen in time. This man, who was deeply inspired by American ideas, came to be known as the pioneer of the revolution in the People’s Republic of China.

Part Of The Great Wall Of China Is Right Here In Wisconsin At Clintonville’s Pioneer Park

Chinese Leader Sun Yat Sen allowed this portion of wall to be taken to Clintonville; and it’s the only section of the wall that’s known to have left the country.

I could have probably picked a better article, about Sun Yat-sen’s time in the US, but I’m on my phone (too small for deep research). I received the article about the part of the Great Wall of China, in my email, and it reminded me of Comrade Confucius’ video.

TSA is testing facial recognition at more airports, raising privacy concerns

BALTIMORE (AP) — A passenger walks up to an airport security checkpoint, slips an ID card into a slot and looks into a camera atop a small screen. The screen flashes “Photo Complete” and the person walks through — all without having to hand over their identification to the TSA officer sitting behind the screen.

TSA is testing facial recognition at more airports, raising privacy concerns


TSA Confirms Biometric Scanning Soon Won’t Be Optional Even For Domestic Travelers

[12-2022] TSA Quietly Deploying Facial Recognition Scanners At Major US Airports

Politicians in Washington must stop scapegoating China for their own incompetence

The Hill Congress Blog: Politicians in Washington must stop scapegoating China for their own incompetence to solve domestic problems while fanning anti-Asian racism in an already divided society. Bucking the anti-China trend. 美國國會博客:華盛頓的政客們必須停止將中國作為自己無能解決國內問題的替罪羊,同時在一個已經分裂的社會中煽動反亞裔種族主義。 逆流而上。 2-17-22

Politicians in Washington must stop scapegoating China for their own incompetence
