‘Antifascists’ Burley, Sunshine, Ross use ‘troll farm’ to try to cancel Palestine activists

Shane Burley, Spencer Sunshine, & Alexander Reid Ross lead a social media mob to try to ‘cancel’ such prominent organizers / intellectuals as Norman Finkelstein, Medea Benjamin, Jodie Evans, Alison Weir, Vijay Prashad, Max Blumenthal…

They also target progressive media like CounterPunch, Mintpress News, Dissident Voice

Their version of “antifascism” involves viciously attacking longtime critics of Israeli apartheid through lies and innuendo, and editing their Wikipedia pages

The goal: destroy the movement, one victim at a time…

‘Antifascists’ Burley, Sunshine, Ross use ‘troll farm’ to try to cancel Palestine activists

Sounds like a Mossad op.

Florida GOP Declares War On The First Amendment to ‘Combat Anti-Semitism’

By Chris Menahan | Information Liberation | March 5, 2023

“The Free State of Florida” is set to have the most oppressive hate crime laws in America in order to “combat anti-Semitism.”

Florida GOP Declares War On The First Amendment to ‘Combat Anti-Semitism’


A Neo-Nazi Troll Network Is Making Money Abusing Jews

What is the National ‘Day of Hate?’ Police warn Jewish communities to be vigilant this weekend

Trump tech advisor reportedly urged Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft to “combat misinformation”

Internal Twitter documents claim the Trump admin wanted tech companies to combat “misinformation that could stoke panic buying and behaviors.”

Trump tech advisor reportedly urged Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft to “combat misinformation”


REPORT: Trump And Biden Admins Pressured Twitter To Suppress Critics Of COVID Narrative

The pressure campaign from the White House reportedly began during the Trump administration and continued into the Biden administration, according to Zweig. Both administrations “directly pressed Twitter executives to moderate the platform’s pandemic content according to their wishes,” Zweig said.

The Emperor Elonicus

Everyone is going to hate this column. Musk worshipers are going to hate it because I’m going to blaspheme against Elon Musk. Musk demonizers are going to hate it because I am not going to blaspheme against him enough. Everyone else is going to hate it because they’re sick to the gills of hearing about Musk, and Musk’s destruction of Twitter, or his salvation of Twitter, and censorship, and “hate speech,” and all that stuff.

The Emperor Elonicus