Brazil: Haiti and Latin American Imperialists

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Brazil reinforces border with Venezuela, Guyana with armored vehicles

Guyana, Brazil expand strategic military cooperation

Growing US Military Presence in Brazil

Why Lula Is Silent on Haiti

From 2004 to 2017, Brazil led the military component of the United Nations-backed peacekeeping mission to Haiti known as MINUSTAH. Since the U.N. Security Council authorized a new mission to Haiti last October, however, Brasília has been shy about supporting the operation. Brazil has offered to train Haitian police forces, but it has declined multiple requests from both the United States and United Nations to provide forces or financing for a new mission.

On the strategic relationship between Venezuela and China

During a state visit to the People’s Republic of China in September 2023, Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro met president Xi Jinping and both agreed to strengthen the relationship of their countries by establishing seven sub commissions to elevate it to the level of ‘all-weather strategic partnership’. This is the culmination of a relationship that began with president Hugo Chavez’s first visit to Beijing in 1999, the very first year of his presidency.

On the strategic relationship between Venezuela and China

US seeks to ‘militarize’ Venezuela-Guyana disputed territory

The Geopolitics in Conflict Show

The Venezuelan Foreign Minister says that the parliament recently passed a referendum protecting the sovereign territory from US encroachment, adding that the US is again trying to interfere in the 200-year-old dispute of Essequibo.

US seeks to ‘militarize’ Venezuela-Guyana disputed territory


President Maduro Accuses Guyana of Becoming an ExxonMobil Branch Amid Border Dispute (+Geneva Agreement)

Exxon Is The Biggest Winner In Guyana’s Epic Oil Boom

China and Venezuela to Establish ‘All-Weather Strategic Partnership’, Sign 31 Cooperation Agreements

The Venezuelan leader added that his country would continue to back China’s Belt and Road Initiative as well as the internationalization of the yuan, and is also willing to cooperate with Beijing in multilateral forums such as the BRICS group and the United Nations (UN).

Brazilian Anarchist expert reveals Social War behind key Lula / Bolsonaro Vote

Brazilian Anarchist expert reveals Social War behind key Lula / Bolsonaro Vote

Despite the glowing picture that progressives and social democrats paint of Lula, it was under the PT (Worker’s Party) that Brazil’s government made its turn toward austerity. Given that this will likely be a second term in office for him, how effective do you think left organizations and movements will be at wringing concessions from a Lula-led PT government?

Brazil: More Fascism and Neocolonialism or a Path Back to Self-Determination?

By Danny Shaw,

(The author has changed certain names and details to protect individuals’ privacy.)

When you arrive in another country, there is nothing more precious than new friends who adopt you, protect you, and teach you about their language, music, culture, and traditions. For an open-minded traveler, ethnographer and anti-imperialist organizer, this new family is more valuable than any air-conditioned hotel, amount of comfort or money.

Brazil: More Fascism and Neocolonialism or a Path Back to Self-Determination?

Big Tech Keeps Withholding Data that Could Help Solve Assassination of Rio de Janeiro Councilwoman Marielle Franco

RIO DE JANEIRO – Four-plus years after the assassination of Rio de Janeiro councilwoman Marielle Franco (38), social media giant Facebook has yet to provide investigators with the full stored data of Internet users who visited her social media account prior to the double homicide.

Big Tech Keeps Withholding Data that Could Help Solve Assassination of Rio de Janeiro Councilwoman Marielle Franco