Defying Niger exit order leaves U.S. troops vulnerable, whistleblower says

Defying Niger exit order leaves U.S. troops vulnerable, whistleblower says

“We have Army soldiers right now in Niger who aren’t getting their troop rotations, who aren’t getting their medicine, who aren’t getting their supplies, who aren’t getting their mail and the two senior people in the United States Army are sitting before me and it’s like ‘hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil,’” said Gaetz.


BBC: Niger’s Junta Revokes Military Agreement With US

He [Col Amadou Abdramane] also alleged that the US delegation had accused Niger of making a secret deal to supply uranium to Iran. Col Abdramane described the accusation as “cynical” and “reminiscent of the second Iraq war”.

IRGC launches ‘extensive’ retaliatory missile, drone strikes on occupied territories

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has launched “extensive” retaliatory missile and drone strikes against the occupied territories in response to the Israeli regime’s terrorist attack of April 1 against the Islamic Republic’s diplomatic premises in the Syrian capital Damascus.

IRGC launches ‘extensive’ retaliatory missile, drone strikes on occupied territories

South China Sea: InfoOp Podcast (ASEAN)


Clip from Episode 1 of Why Should We Care About the Indo-Pacific? Podcast (Apple Podcasts) with Ray Powell and Jim Carouso

Powell and Carouso worked together at the U.S. Embassy in Canberra, Australia. They’re trying to “shape” the Indo-Pacific for US corporate interests and to provoke a war with China.  

Jim Carouso is currently with the Center for Strategic & International Studies. CSIS is funded by various governments, including the United States, and corporations. Carouso is also with BowerGroupAsia in Singapore. He formerly worked in the State Department and was a chargé d’ affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Canberra and the U.S. Mission to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

Ray Powell was formerly a Defense Attaché in Canberra, Australia.


The Defense Attaché System is part of the Defense Intelligence Agency.


More on SeaLight’s (formerly Project Myoushu) ‘assertive transparency’ campaign.


SCS: The Office of Naval Research funded Stanford’s GKC

Philippines’ ‘assertive transparency’ strategy is causing them to miss out economically

PH: Compared To China, US Trade, Investment Offers Laughable + More

Agenda of lies: PM slams groups creating false narratives to sabotage Funan Techo Canal project (Cambodia)

Prime Minister Hun Manet has lashed out at anti-government groups which are creating false narratives to sabotage the Funan Techo Canal project.

Agenda of lies: PM slams groups creating false narratives to sabotage Funan Techo Canal project (VIDEO)


US-Funded Radio Free Asia: Cambodia’s canal project would link its coast with the Mekong River

Stimson Center Funding Sources

Viet Ecology Foundation Tax Filings (only one from 2007)

Kim Sok

The Chinese ‘Debt Trap’ Is a Myth

The BRI is Not a Debt Trap!

China exposes Philippines’ reneging on South China Sea commitment



China exposes Philippines’ reneging on South China Sea commitment

Wang pointed out that the Philippines has made a solemn promise to tow away the military vessel illegally grounded at Ren’ai Jiao, noting that 25 years have passed, and the Philippines has still not towed away the warship.

Noting that the Philippines has violated the understanding reached between the two sides on the proper management of the situation on Ren’ai jiao, the spokesperson said despite the Philippines’ commitment not to reinforce the grounded warship and to notify China in advance of any plans to resupply it, China, out of humanitarian considerations, has made temporary special arrangements for Philippine vessels transporting necessary supplies to the warship multiple times.

“However, the Philippines continues to send government vessels and warships to forcibly enter Ren’ai Jiao, attempting to transport construction materials for large-scale repairs and reinforcement of the warship in order to achieve permanent occupation of Ren’ai Jiao,” Wang said.

PH did promise to remove BRP Sierra Madre from Ayungin

Philippines Budgets for a Permanent Base at Second Thomas Shoal

It’s Time to Build Combined Forward Operating Base Sierra Madre

David Villamar interviewed about Ecuador’s violent crime disaster

Despite the ongoing genocide in Gaza, Ecuador’s violent crime problem is such an incredible disaster that it manages to attract international attention. Criminals have recently taken over live newscasts. Supporters of the rightwing governments that created the disaster (for example, The Economist) have declared Ecuador to be the deadliest country in the Americas. It’s difficult for Ecuador to get international news coverage. In recent years, it generally has to be something very bad (or sports-related).

David Villamar interviewed about Ecuador’s violent crime disaster


How Did Ecuador Spiral into This Nightmare? It Was the Neoliberal Dismantling of the State

Another Zionist assassination in Damascus next to South African Embassy

Another Zionist assassination in Damascus next to South African Embassy

The IRGC announced the martyrdom of 4 of its advisors in Syria, including the head of intelligence in Syria and his deputy:

– Hojatollah Omidvar

– Ali Aqazadeh

– Hossein Mohammadi

– Saeed Karimi

Additional Syrians were murdered in the attack, alongside uninvolved civilians. Severe damage to civilian property was caused in the Israeli aggression on the Syrian capital.

The attack was in Western Villas, central Damascus close to the UN and other Embassies. This is a high security area.

Vanessa Beeley


Four IRGC advisors assassinated in Israeli aggression on Syria

Iranian Revolutionary Guards Killed in Israeli Strike on Damascus

Ecuador: Quasi Civil War

Ecuador: Quasi Civil War

Los Choneros is tied to the Mexican drug Sinaloa Cartel and Los Lobos to Jalisco. Ecuador itself, together with Bolivia and Colombia, is part of the so-called cocaine triangle, which is the world’s largest producer of the drug. From Ecuador, it travels overland to Brazil and Peru and by sea to Mexico, European countries, and the African market.

Finally, and thirdly, another version of the reason for the current conflict outbreak is the activation of the CIA and their agents who want to destabilize the entire Andean region (after all, the situation in Peru and Chile is also complicated). Although it sounds like a conspiracy, given the skills of US intelligence agencies and their networks in Latin America, it should not be dismissed, but more attention should be paid to the activities of State Department agents who do not want to lose the region.

Interestingly, when I highlight and look up, ‘cocaine triangle’, Apple brings up the Wikipedia page for ‘CIA involvement in Contra cocaine trafficking’. 🤔

Related (Money & Front Organizations):

RT—Ecuador: 2 Days of Armed Violence, 14 Deaths, Several Kidnapped and Injured, Dozens Arrested (+Correa & Maduro)

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