Together We Win: Letter to workers for unity with IUAFS.

Dear comrade!

Someone wants to kill you, to rob you, and you will be next!

You are being addressed by Derzhava, a Ukrainian Political Party banned by the neo-Nazi government of Zelensky. Most of the media lies and hides from you the fact that your government openly supports Zelensky’s fascists, openly helps neo-Nazis and actually preaches fascism itself, directing efforts to exterminate as many people as possible.

Letter to workers for unity with IUAFS.

Depleted Uranium Ammunition and Crimea


Depleted Uranium Ammunition and Crimea (archived)

Aside from armor-penetrating tank rounds, the US uses DU ammunition for its 30mm GAU-8 Avenger Gatling gun on the A-10 Warthog ground attack jet fighter. The A-10s figured prominently in the Iraq wars and in Afghanistan.

Ukraine last winter requested 100 A-10 jets from the United States and have been secretly training to use the aircraft in combat. If a Crimea offensive takes place, the A-10 may be moved into Ukraine and flown by a combination of Ukrainian pilots and possibly by volunteer former US Air Force pilots.

How will Russia answer these latest developments? Putin has already sent a warning to Britain about DU ammunition, although what he actually has in mind is not clear. If Russia is watching US activity in rushing the Abrams tanks to the battlefield, including the possibility of the A-10, the situation will get more heated.

UK to Give Ukraine Depleted Uranium Shells Despite Russian Warnings

Russia’s defense minister says the move brings the world closer to a ‘nuclear collision,’ Putin vows to respond

UK to Give Ukraine Depleted Uranium Shells Despite Russian Warnings


[2019] New Study Documents Depleted Uranium Impacts on Children in Iraq

“Depleted Uranium (DU) is a toxic, radioactive heavy metal that is the waste byproduct of the uranium enrichment process when producing nuclear weapons and uranium for nuclear reactors. Because this radioactive waste is plentiful and 1.7 times more dense than lead, the United States government uses DU in munitions/ammunition which are extremely effective at piercing armored vehicles. However, every round of DU ammunition leaves a residue of DU dust on everything it hits, contaminating the surrounding area with toxic waste that has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, the age of our solar system, and turns every battlefield and firing range into a toxic waste site that poisons everyone in such areas. DU dust can be inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through scratches in the skin. DU is linked to DNA damage, cancer, birth defects, and multiple other health problems. The United Nations classifies Depleted Uranium ammunitions as illegal Weapons of Mass Destruction because of their long-term impact on the land over which they are used and the long-term health problems they cause when people are exposed to them.”

The Pentagon denies that they’re sending depleted uranium ammunition (if you can even believe them)!

Russian Enemies of Kremlin Meet to Plot Violent ‘Elimination’ of Putin

Anti-Russia activists and former Russian lawmakers opposed to Russian President Vladimir Putin have been gathering in Poland in recent days to discuss what removing Putin from power would look like nearly nine months into his war in Ukraine.

Russian Enemies of Kremlin Meet to Plot Violent ‘Elimination’ of Putin


Good luck with that, Ilya! /s

NUCLEAR TENSIONS: CIA Chief Visits Kiev, Russia Warns of Dirty Bomb False Flag Attack From Ukraine

CIA director made a secret visit to Ukraine to meet Zelenskyy and pledge deeper US support

CIA director William J. Burns made a secret visit to Ukraine to meet President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and pledge deeper US support, CNN reported Wednesday, citing two sources familiar with the trip.

Burns traveled to Kyiv earlier this month, CNN said. His trips are usually kept secret, The New York Times reported.

Video via Rachel Blevins


By John Helmer, Moscow

Last week on October 19 the US Navy announced that “General Michael ‘Erik’ Kurilla [lead image, lower right] , commander of CENTCOM, conducted a visit aboard the USS West Virginia [top], a U.S. Navy Ohio-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine at an undisclosed location at sea in international waters in the Arabian Sea. Kurilla was joined on the USS West Virginia by Vice Admiral Brad Cooper [lower left], commander of the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet and NAVCENT.”