Together We Win: Letter to workers for unity with IUAFS.

Dear comrade!

Someone wants to kill you, to rob you, and you will be next!

You are being addressed by Derzhava, a Ukrainian Political Party banned by the neo-Nazi government of Zelensky. Most of the media lies and hides from you the fact that your government openly supports Zelensky’s fascists, openly helps neo-Nazis and actually preaches fascism itself, directing efforts to exterminate as many people as possible.

Letter to workers for unity with IUAFS.

The Messed Up Truth About The Louisiana Purchase

American Progress, 1872.

The Louisiana Purchase is usually presented as an incredible, inspiring moment in American history in which President Thomas Jefferson, wise, benevolent eyes twinkling under his powdery white wig, made an incredibly shrewd real estate deal with notorious, disgraced French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and, with one stroke of his giant quill pen, doubled the size of the United States of America for the bargain price of $15 million, or just three cents an acre. What we don’t usually learn about is the negative domino effect this treaty had in terms of inspiring the concept of manifest destiny or the belief that white colonists had a God-given duty to expand across North America and redeem and remake the land in their own image.

The Messed Up Truth About The Louisiana Purchase

Here’s Why 97% of Western Europeans Don’t Drink Fluoridated Water

Fluoride is probably an ingredient you’re used to seeing on your toothpaste or hearing about at your dental clinic. However, most communities in North America also add it to their tap water.

Here’s Why 97% of Western Europeans Don’t Drink Fluoridated Water


Fluoride Action Network

List Of Bottled Water Without Fluoride In 2022 (also gives recommendations for reverse osmosis systems and water pitchers that will filter out fluoride).

Decided to finally start researching something that I’ve had in the back of my mind for a while now. It’s a crazy idea but this just proves a part of it, for me. I’ve been drinking Aquafina, for a few years, but need to look into another brand or a water pitcher. Bottled water is just easier, for me, considering a pitcher won’t fit in my bedside fridge. I haven’t researched any medications that contain fluoride but Fluoxetine (Prozac) is one of them. I haven’t taken it for years (haven’t taken any prescription medications).

Shocking Details of Zionist Biological Warfare Against Palestinians Exposed

Academics Benny Morris of Ben-Gurion University and Benjamin Z. Kedar of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem have produced an extraordinary paper based on a welter of archival material, exposing in disturbing detail the hitherto obfuscated dimensions of an operation by Zionist forces to use chemical and biological weapons against both invading Arab armies and local civilians during the 1948 war.

Shocking Details of Zionist Biological Warfare Against Palestinians Exposed