Trump invites Chinese to build US auto plants

Trump invites Chinese to build US auto plants

Trump’s offer to China went unreported in virtually all media. Mainstream US media attacked the former president for using the term “bloodbath” to describe the impact of prospective Chinese imports on the American auto industry, implying that he had threatened actual violence if he was not elected. But the transcript of his remarks at a Dayton, Ohio, rally makes clear that he was referring to industry conditions.

Tulsi Gabbard is running for Opportunist-in-Chief

Tulsi Gabbard is running for Opportunist-in-Chief

But what’s disappointing about her recent Maga makeover is that she’s abandoned a lot of the positive portions of the Sanders agenda she once espoused, policies designed to help working people: higher wages, better health care, and stronger unions (she got a 100 per cent voting score as a congressperson from the AFL-CIO). Instead, she now dismisses all aspects of Bidenomics as “fascism” and plays up the culture wars.


Former Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard will be keynote speaker at Mar-a-Lago fundraiser

Trump revealed Tuesday that he’s considering Gabbard as a running mate.

The fundraiser is not technically for Trump; it’s for the 917 Society, a nonprofit that promotes education about the Constitution.

917 Society Founders Club

917 Society Tax Filings

Tulsi Gabbard

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LaRouchePAC: We Are Changing Our Name

Over the course of the next three months, starting on January 26, 2024 and ending April 25, 2024, LaRouchePAC and LaRouchePAC Action will be changing our names and some of the ways we operate. A new membership-based website, Promethean Action has been launched by the former LaRouchePAC Action which has already changed its name. Promethean Action will start to be populated with content immediately. LaRouchePAC itself will continue to carry posts and videos for most of the next three month period as we change our vendors and social media accounts. Then, LaRouchePAC itself will change its name to Promethean PAC.

We Are Changing Our Name


Why “LaRouchePAC” No Longer Represents the Policies of Lyndon LaRouche

“While paying lip service to some of Lyndon LaRouche’s ideas, and using video footage of him, in reality the political positions of the PAC increasingly diverged from the policies of the LaRouche movement and my late husband by, for example, excluding any substantive evaluation of the international strategic situation, in favor of focusing almost entirely on internal U.S. politics, principally on issues that were in line with the policies of Donald Trump. They increasingly failed to publish articles and videos that were critical of Trump on topics on which Lyndon LaRouche had personally frequently criticized Trump, such as his praise of the Wall Street financial bubble; the anti-China policies that came to dominate his presidency; and so on.

Was Tulsi Gabbard Ever Anti-War?! [no]

Knew the majority, of this, but hadn’t put it all together in one place. New, to me, was her support of the Kurdish militias. I’ll probably duplicate this, onto its own page, where I can add more to it at a later date!

Tulsi Gabbard, with Shmuley Boteach and Miriam Adelson.*

Tulsi Gabbard says Hamas attack is a ‘wake-up call’ for global leaders as she shows support for Israel

‘That’s why I left Democratic party’: Tulsi Gabbard slams Dem elites for ‘hating’ America and ‘sympathizing’ with Hamas

H/T: Revolutionary Blackout

Ex-Dem Tulsi Gabbard Responds When Asked About Possibly Being Trump’s VP

The 42-year-old made an appearance on Fox News’ “Hannity” and admitted her secret ambition to be Trump’s running mate in the 2024 presidential election.

Research Notes:

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