Welcome to Kenya’s Gen Z Revolution!


Welcome to Kenya’s Gen Z Revolution!

Kenya had been praised to the heavens by the West in yesteryear: it was a beacon of hope and prosperity; East Africa’s most prosperous nation; a success story of capitalism and “development”; and (most important of all) a bulwark of the West amidst encroaching Chinese influence on the continent.

Kenya is a member of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and Ruto just sent the Kenyan Police to Haiti. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Gen Z Will Lead the People’s Revolution in Kenya (The Elephant*)

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Wisconsin Army National Guard headed to Horn of Africa for 10 months

Wisconsin Army National Guard headed to Horn of Africa for 10 months


Virginia National Guard soldiers return home from Africa

[11-2021] 1,000 National Guard Soldiers to Deploy to Africa as Mid East Wars Wind Down

It is unclear if the 1,000 Guardsmen is an increase in the Pentagon’s force in Africa, or if those troops are replacing others currently deployed. The U.S. has been increasingly operating in countries like Somalia and Niger as the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have drawn down.

There are some 6,000 American troops, Defense Department civilians and contractors across Africa, an Army spokesperson told Military.com. About 3,400 of those people operate from Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti, which serves as the major hub for the U.S. military on the continent.

Hmm 🤔 Biden Sent U.S.Troops To Somalia In May And Now Somalia’s Situation Is Getting Worse

Video via Wongel Zelalem


UN, humanitarian agencies sound alarm over Somalia famine

Somali President Holds Meeting with US Ambassador and New AFRICOM Commander

US Ramping Up Drone Strikes in the Middle East and Africa

US picks up pace of airstrikes in Somalia


Biden Redeploys Pentagon Troops to Somalia While Humanitarian Crisis Looms

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Somalia

BUT WHY?! Kenya Has Zero Cases But U.S Pharmaceutical Firm To Start Vaccine Trial + WHO Issues Monkeypox Advisory to Kenya

Video via Wongel Zelalem

Tonix will test its monkeypox vaccine in Kenya next year, and no eyes on accelerated path at FDA

The study of Tonix Pharmaceuticals’ live virus vaccine will occur at Kenya Medical Research Institute, or KEMRI, in the East African country, the partners said Thursday. While Kenya has no reported cases of the virus that leads to painful lesions, the country is close to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which had 163 cases as of July 27, according to a CDC tracker.

Tonix has been working on monkeypox and smallpox for close to a decade, Lederman said. The company’s vaccine, dubbed TNX-801, is traced back to a research collaboration with the Department of Cell Biology at the University of Alberta.


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Why G7’s Program for Developing Countries is Still No Match for China’s Belt & Road

Samizdat – 28.06.2022

The G7 on 26 June re-launched its previous Build Back Better World program to provide infrastructure funds to poor and developing nations under a new name, the Global Investment and Infrastructure Partnership. The project aims to compete with China’s Belt and Road Initiative kicked off by Beijing in 2013.

Why G7’s Program for Developing Countries is Still No Match for China’s Belt & Road

Facebook Faces New Lawsuit Alleging Human Trafficking and Union-Busting in Kenya

Daniel Motaung, a former outsourced Facebook content moderator, filed a lawsuit Tuesday in Nairobi accusing Meta and outsourcing firm Sama of multiple violations of the Kenyan constitution. The lawsuit follows a TIME story published in February titled “Inside Facebook’s African Sweatshop,” in which Motaung and other current and former employees at Sama first gave their accounts of widespread trauma, pay as low as $1.50 per hour, and alleged union busting.

Facebook Faces New Lawsuit Alleging Human Trafficking and Union-Busting in Kenya