What is Happening in Palestine Right Now?

Ramzy Baroud

The Palestinian resistance has launched a major operation inside of Israel. This is the first time in history that such an event takes place. This is what happened.

What is Happening in Palestine Right Now?


‘Today, the People Claim their Revolution’: This is What Al-Qassam Commander Said in His Speech

This Is How Palestinian Resistance Fighters Entered Israel from Various Points – VIDEOS

Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG

Matt Taibbi Flashback (9/11): CNN Sentences Palestine To Death

There was a candlelight vigil in East Jerusalem on the night of the 9/11 attacks, Yassir Arafat gave blood, schoolchildren around the country took part in moments of silence…

Instead, the media showed the same 30-second clip over and over… The obvious agenda was to rally its viewers around the very crudest response to the news: violence needed to be met with more violence and a political clampdown…

Probably no single film clip in recent history has had as much of an impact as the Palestine clip. Summing it up was Ehud Sprinzak, an Israeli expert on terrorism, quoted in Reuters referring to the clip: “From the perspective of Jews, it is the most important public relations act ever committed in our favor.”

Three additional reports below (two from German media):

By Matt Taibbi, reposted from eXile, September 20, 2001 [photos below added by IAK]

Matt Taibbi Flashback (9/11): CNN Sentences Palestine To Death

An Open Letter to RFK Jr. on Israel/Palestine

This article was originally written as a private letter addressed to Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his campaign manager, former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH). Unanswered since it was sent in early June 2023, it is now published as an open letter.

An Open Letter to RFK Jr. on Israel/Palestine


Israel’s One-State Reality

When a U.S. president demanded inspections of a nuclear facility in the Middle East (and failed)

The Battle of the Letters, 1963: John F. Kennedy, David Ben-Gurion, Levi Eshkol, and the U.S. Inspections of Dimona

RFK Jr vows unconditional support for Israel as IDF massacres Palestinians!

RFK Jr’s hasbara makes me want to vomit! 🤮 He thinks children are legitimate military target!! 🤬

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Major Israel Booster

Before that discussion, Kennedy addressed in the interview his views in regard to the nation of Israel, making clear that he is a major Israel booster. Kennedy started off his comments in the interview by stating, “There’s nobody who’s running for president right now in either party who will be a better friend to Israel than me as president, and nobody who will articulate the moral case for Israel with the same erudition, the same persuasive power as me, because I believe it in my heart, it’s core to the values that I was raised with.” Later in his opening comment of the interview, Kennedy declared, “That friendship with Israel and making the moral case for Israel will be a key part of my presidency.”

Kennedy also declared in his opening comment of the interview that he will try as a candidate “to bring the Democratic Party back to its traditional support of Israel and to explain to my children’s generation the historical context and the moral case for Israel.” At least among the top Democratic Congress leaders — and the top Republican Congress leaders as well, though, devotion to the Israel government seems to be running very high already.

Further argued Kennedy in his opening comment, Israel expends great effort at the risk of its own soldiers to “avoid civilian casualties” in dealing with threats from its adversaries and is not an apartheid state. Later in the interview, Kennedy further asserted that a Palestinian has “much more rights in Israel than in any of the neighboring countries” and that “the best place” and “the safest place” in the Middle East for a Palestinian dissident to criticize his government is in Israel.


Kennedy: ‘As President, my support of Israel will be unconditional.’

Israeli forces kill two Palestinian teens in occupied West Bank

The shootings bring the number of Palestinians killed this year in the occupied Palestinian territories, which includes East Jerusalem and Gaza, to 202, with 165 of those in the occupied West Bank, said Khan.

31 of those killed are under the age of 18, she added.

Biden won’t protect Palestinian Americans from Israeli attacks

For the second time this year, large numbers of armed Israeli settlers have rampaged through Palestinian communities in the occupied West Bank terrorizing Palestinians in their homes.

Biden won’t protect Palestinian Americans from Israeli attacks

Links behind paywalls:

Israeli settlers torch Palestinian homes and cars to avenge deadly shooting. A Palestinian is killed

You, American taxpayer, are helping to fund Israeli settlements

U.S. Ambassador: We Will Not Stand Idly by and Watch Settler Violence

Israel’s Far-right Finance Minister: ‘I’m a Fascist Homophobe But… I Won’t Stone Gays’

Israel Eases West Bank Settlement Rules, Clearing Way for New Homes

In an Expected Move, Russia Decides to Open Jerusalem Embassy Branch

Russia plans to establish a branch of its Israeli embassy in Jerusalem, the Russian Foreign Ministry revealed on Friday. The new outpost, which an official statement described as a “branch office of the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Israel,” cements Moscow’s claim to the land on which it is situated.

In an Expected Move, Russia Decides to Open Jerusalem Embassy Branch