Chinese “Police Stations” and War Propaganda & “Overseas Police Stations?” : A clearer look

The U.S. can shoot down balloons, call names, and claim that China has “police stations” in New York City. It cannot stop the decline of its own making as it engages in war propaganda theater.

Chinese “Police Stations” and War Propaganda


“Overseas Police Stations?” : A clearer look

Fundacion Safeguard Defenders has a registered CAGE Code [Commercial and Government Entity code] for doing business with the United States government [& NATO]

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HUGE. In China-Brokered Deal, Iran and Saudi Arabia Restore Diplomatic Ties

HUGE. In China-Brokered Deal, Iran and Saudi Arabia Restore Diplomatic Ties

Regime change for Saudi, or maybe some US-backed terrorist attacks?!


China brokers Iran-Saudi detente, raising eyebrows in Washington

Though blunting China’s influence in the Middle East and other parts of the world remains a priority for the Biden administration, it is of “two minds” about the latest agreement, said Jon Alterman, a Middle East scholar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

“It wants the Saudis to take increasing responsibility for their own security,” he said, “but it does not want Saudi Arabia freelancing and undermining U.S. security strategies.”

Catherine Perez-Shakdam: The “Israeli Spy” Who “Infiltrated” MintPress

A storm of controversy erupted earlier this year in Iran, after local media outlets announced that a “Mossad spy” and “Israeli infiltrator” had gained the trust of the country’s senior leadership, penetrated into the highest halls of power, and had even been employed as a writer for Ayatollah Khamenei himself.

Catherine Perez-Shakdam: The “Israeli Spy” Who “Infiltrated” MintPress

What is Really Behind Iran’s Unrest?

Sep 25, 2022 – The Western media is depicting unrest in Iran as “the people” demanding social justice and women’s rights. In reality, it is part of a years-long effort by Washington to foment upheaval and regime change in Iran.

Policy papers from 2009 detailed step-by-step how the US could overthrow the Iranian government and install an obedient client regime in its place. Since then, each step has been implemented verbatim with varying degress of success, and the process, as we can now see, continues today.

What is Really Behind Iran’s Unrest? (Odysee) via The New Atlas


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Arabic press review: Lawsuit filed against Iran president in US over 1988 executions

Arabic press review: Lawsuit filed against Iran president in US over 1988 executions

According to the Saudi Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) accused Raisi, president since August 2021, of committing crimes of “torture and murder” against Iranian opponents in the late 1980s when he was at the Public Prosecutor’s office.

The NCRI, which says it has support from 50 members of Congress*, called on the US administration to prevent Raisi from visiting the US and delivering a speech before the United Nations General Assembly next September.


The National Council of Resistance of Iran is an Iranian political organization based in France and Albania. The organization is a political coalition calling to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran. The coalition is made up of different Iranian dissident groups, with its main member being the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK).


The People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), also known as Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) or Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO).


What Should MeK’s Supporters Know about Operation Forough-e Javidan? (archived)

For first time, Iran releases name of martyrs killed by MKO terrorists during 1988 ops

MEK Assassinated Americans*

Three U.S. Civilians Slain By Guerrillas in Teheran*