Washington’s REAL Policy on China – “Repairing Ties” is Theater Ahead of Sanctions, War

The US Build-Up for War with China

– Visit by US Secretary of State attempts to portray the US as “reasonable” versus a “belligerent” Chinese “dictatorship;”

– Secretary Blinken recited the US “One China” policy, omitting the many ways the US has and still is blatantly violating it and provoking China;

– US strategy follows similar pattern of the US “reset” with Russia or the US-Iran “nuclear deal,” where the US sought to appear to have exhausted diplomatic options before moving on “reluctantly” to economic sanctions and war;

– Such a strategy is necessary for consensus building among US allies who would otherwise be hesitant to join the US in both economic sanctions and eventual military intervention versus China;

– US policymakers are already busy planning sanctions against China, which includes an already ongoing public relations campaign to sell Russia-style sanctions against China, as well as preparations for military operations to follow the sanctions;

– The US has a long-standing strategy to encircle and contain China spanning decades, indifferent to presidential administrations;


Washington’s REAL Policy on China – “Repairing Ties” is Theater Ahead of Sanctions, War (Rumble) via The New Atlas

ROK and the US – Words and Facts

After the text about the President of the ROK at the NATO summit was published, part of the audience questioned whether the ROK, despite its loyalist statements, was in fact in no particular hurry to do Washington’s bidding. This question is best answered by a combination of words and facts.

In another important development, on July 20 Minister of Science and ICT Lee Jong-ho openly stated that South Korea should be cautious when deciding whether to join the US Chip 4 or Fab 4 technology alliance initiative, as the potential implications could affect not only the country’s semiconductor industry, but also the economy as a whole. The framework, which in addition to the US and the ROK also includes Taiwan and Japan, is designed to counter China’s growing influence in global supply chains for advanced high-tech products, as well as to increase American production capacity and capabilities in this area.

ROK and the US – Words and Facts



South Korea’s new president playing dangerous game with Pyongyang

The Global NATO Alliance, the European Left, and the Crack in Everything

Disclaimer: The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site.

The Democratic Party is unquestioningly supporting an endless proxy war and has been reluctant to press President Biden to prioritize a negotiated settlement to the war.

The Global NATO Alliance, the European Left, and the Crack in Everything

Patrushev: The West Has Created an Empire of Lies Presupposing the Destruction of Russia

Nikolay Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council, in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, spoke about the tasks of the Russian special operation and the role of the United States in supporting neo-nazis. And also – about the near future of Europe, the Russian gold and foreign exchange reserves and sanctions. And also about what changes await our country in the near future.

Patrushev: The West Has Created an Empire of Lies Presupposing the Destruction of Russia