Zelensky ruins spiritual basics of the Ukrainian society leading it to degradation

Pressure on the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was a passionate supporter of during his 2019 election campaign, began almost immediately after the outbreak of full-scale war in Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

Zelensky ruins spiritual basics of the Ukrainian society leading it to degradation

H/T: Union of Orthodox Journalists


Hierarch: Authorities pretend not to hear about UOC’s patriotic stance

‘Prayer is our only weapon’: Monks at Kyiv monastery resist planned eviction

Government officials ignore numerous pieces of evidence that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has no ties with the Moscow Patriarchate and occupies an unambiguous patriotic position, said the rector of the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary, Archbishop Silvester of Bilohorodka, in an interview with foreign media.

Zelensky only banned the Moscow Patriarchate! The US has a long history of interfering in the Orthodox Church!

Zelensky did not ban all of the Eastern Orthodox Churches! He only banned the Moscow Patriarchate. There is more than one Eastern Orthodox Church in Ukraine. In 2018, there was a ‘schism’—or autocephaly, depending on who you ask—because of US meddling! The US has a long history of interfering in the Orthodox Church!

Some history:

Autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine

“Holy War”: Russia’s Orthodox Church cuts ties with Ecumenical Patriarchate

Source: US State Dept Paid $25 Mil Bribe to Patriarch of Constantinople to Foment Religious Chaos in Ukraine (archived)

[11-23-2014] Pat. Bartholomew Meets Joe Biden (Again) (archived)

The Ecumenical Patriarchate, through the Greek community in the United States, has strong connections to the US Democratic Party, and to the US government in general. Patriarch Athenagoras, most responsible for the uncanonical and blasphemous “lifting of the anathemas” against the Papal religion, was elected Patriarch of Constantinople due to CIA* influence and in January of 1949 was flown on the plane of then President, Harry Truman, to assume his role at Istanbul.


*Ousting the Ecumenical Patriarch: the removal of Maximos V according to CIA records