NED: Georgia, still in their crosshairs

YouTube: Georgia’s Path to Europe

The European Commission’s November recommendation that EU candidacy status be granted to Georgia is the latest in a string of hard-won victories the Georgian people have achieved in recent months. In March, hundreds of thousands of Georgians took to the streets and forced the government to abandon a draconian Russian-style NGO law. In October, a controversial partisan gambit to impeach President Salome Zurabishvili failed after vocal opposition both in the parliament and throughout civil society. The loudest voices pushing back against democratic decline in the country belong to youth, civil society, and parliamentarians such as the women on this panel. Women from different political parties are coming together to highlight the importance of expanding political participation and keeping European integration the nation’s top priority.

Georgia’s Path to Europe


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Daily pictures: Maidan 2.0 in Georgia?

Since March 7, 2023, a few thousands protestors are confronting the police in front of the parliament in Tbilisi, capital of Georgia. They are demanding the removal from the parliament of a new draft law and against Russia, the Euro-Atlantic integration of the country. The law would require all organizations that receive more than 20% of their funds from abroad to register as foreign agents. The targets are indeed the groups that the US and the European Union are sponsoring, in order to demand the Euro-Atlantic integration. The scenography of the demonstration reminds the previous West-inspired color revolutions in Eurasia since 2003. Because as usual, the movement is not democratic, possibly revolutionary or neither, would not emancipate the people nor maintain independence of the country.

Daily pictures : Maidan 2.0 in Georgia ?

Audio via Don DeBar


Georgian Government Warns of Imminent Color Revolution to Pull Country into Ukraine War

Ultimatum: Western operatives give Georgian parliament one hour to withdraw bill

[2008] The Puppet Masters Behind Georgia President Saakashvili

The controversy over the Georgian surprise military attacks on South Ossetia and Abkhazia on 8.8.08 makes a closer look at the controversial Georgian President and his puppet masters important. An examination shows 41 year old Mikhail Saakashvili to be a ruthless and corrupt totalitarian who is tied to not only the US NATO establishment, but also to the Israeli military and intelligence establishment. The famous ‘Rose Revolution of November 2003 that forced the ageing Edouard Shevardnadze from power and swept the then 36 year old US university graduate into power was run and financed by the US State Department, the Soros Foundations, and agencies tied to the Pentagon and US intelligence community.

The Puppet Masters Behind Georgia President Saakashvili


NGOs, “Unions”, & Media Outlets in the Service of Imperialism

U.S. Wars and Hostile Actions (WW2 – 2014)

[2005] The Tulip Revolution takes root

It all went down at the speed of light. In only a few hours on Thursday in Kyrgyzstan’s capital Bishkek, the palace was stormed, the tyrant fled and a new order was starting to take shape. Or was it?

The Tulip Revolution takes root



Although Kyrgyzstan’s Tulip Revolution has already turned out to be far more violent than similar uprisings in Georgia and Ukraine, the scenarios have a striking similarity. They suggest the presence of a strong network of human, material, and financial resources in the post-Soviet space, which is able to fight successfully with the authoritarian and mostly Russia-leaning regimes.

U.S. Wars and Hostile Actions (WW2 – 2014)

Euromaidan 2014 – Orange Revolution – War in Donbass

“Everyone’s a Little Problematic in Ukraine’s International Legion”

by Lindsey Snell and Cory Popp

“Benjamin Velcro” is former US serviceman and volunteer with the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine, the official unit of foreign volunteers under the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In early August, Russian media widely shared voice recordings in which Velcro recounted the torture and murder of a Russian prisoner of war.

“Everyone’s a Little Problematic in Ukraine’s International Legion”


An exit interview: Benjamin Velcro

I am quite good with languages, one could describe my Russian as a solid B1 (someone said B2 before but that was an ego stroke lol) I would rather understand the language of my enemy than Ukrainian. My convictions against the putin regime were largely solidified when I was part of a task force related to Georgia just prior to their invasion with the US Army. In 2014, maiden inspired me. In 2020, August, I thought the similar conditions could be met in Belarus. I travelled to Belarus. However things did not materialize.

Interesting how this “Benjamin Velcro” seems to be drawn to US-sponsored color revolutions. 👇

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