Mitch McConnell says the labor shortage will be solved when people run out of stimulus money because Americans are ‘flush for the moment’

Mitch McConnell says the labor shortage will be solved when people run out of stimulus money because Americans are ‘flush for the moment’


McConnell’s Wife’s Family Business Appears on Trump Admin’s List of Companies That Received Most PPP Money

So says the man who’s wife received a PPP loan! 🙄

Navalny, Bellingcat & the Fifth Column in the FSB

Navalny and others like him are not politicians or fighters. They are puppets. We armed ourselves with evidence and made the first attempt to understand whose hands control these “dolls”. By the way, some of these arms are covered with the sleeves of the uniforms of the Russian Federal Security Service. So who is behind the “investigations” that were supposed to “shake Russia”? Whose agents were Navalny and his associates? The answers are in our investigation.

Navalny, Bellingcat & the Fifth Column in the FSB

Mujahedin-e-Khalq After Trump

Mujahedin-e-Khalq After Trump

Now, Trump’s defeat in the presidential election is causing the circle of lobbyists and supporters of terrorism to collapse. Extremists in the Middle East, such as the Mujahedin-e-Khalq, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Mohammed bin Salman took advantage of Trump’s presidency to beat the drums for war more vigorously while diminishing opportunities for dialog and a world free of violence.

Trump’s defeat and the Capitol riots were not simply the failure of one candidate. They indicated the defeat of Trumpism. This bellicose and anti-peace ideology must not influence future developments around the world. Trump’s circle of friends and supporters are a threat to democracy, world peace and security. This anti-peace circle with its destructive ideology has no place in the post-Trump world.