Germany passes impossible “green” heating legislation that will cost economy $1 TRILLION

Geopolitical Trends, w/Dr. David Oualaalou

The left-wing government of Germany has passed a controversial new “green” heating law that will force at least 65 percent of all new installed heating systems to be “renewable” energy.

Germany passes impossible “green” heating legislation that will cost economy $1 TRILLION


Germany Heating Law: How the Building Energy Act Became So Controversial

“If we really want to tackle climate change, the state has to interfere more in what had been private issues because we have to change our behavior,” Römmele said.

Germany mandates switch to heating via renewables with Building Energy Act amendment

The focus of the amendment is on new heating systems, as these are used for an average of 20 to 30 years and the government wants to ensure they are low carbon from the outset. Existing heating systems, however, can continue to be operated as before. This is a compromise reached in the legislative process to mitigate the economic hardships otherwise caused by the amendment.

Welfare Queens and Welfare Fraud

The Rise and Reign of the Welfare Queen

Researcher links government assistance program to much earlier origins of welfare stereotypes

How Bill Clinton’s Welfare Reform Changed America

But based on several studies of TANF and its beneficiaries, “it barely reaches even the poorest Americans, and has all but ceased doing the work of lifting people out of poverty,” according to the Atlantic. “‘Welfare reform’ didn’t fix welfare so much as destroy it, and if similar changes were applied to Medicaid and food stamps, they would likely do the same.”

Americans believe benefits fraud is common for SNAP

Experts say that deliberate SNAP fraud is uncommon because of the rigorous application process and multi-step eligibility review. In 2016, the Congressional Research Service determined that for every 10,000 households participating in SNAP, about 14 contained a recipient who was investigated and determined to have committed fraud.

The Truth About Food Stamps

Who Is Really Responsible for Welfare Fraud?

In other words, don’t take a single example or casual observation of welfare fraud and claim it represents the tens of millions of poor who receive welfare benefits.

While welfare fraud committed by the poor appears to be low, the federal government has long recognized businesses being the true criminals.

While these are some of the better known examples of large scale welfare fraud, they are not the only ones. The above cases alone represent over $25 Billion in welfare fraud recovery. The criminals having the greatest impact committing welfare fraud against the government are not the poor, but the privately owned businesses that take advantage of them.

Brett Favre Is The Welfare Queen Republicans Warned Us About


Biggest Perpetrators of Welfare Fraud Are Private Companies, Not ‘Welfare Queens’

Scores of Russians take Latvian language test as deportation looms

Riga – In a Stalinist skyscraper dominating the skyline of Latvia’s capital, dozens of elderly Russians wait to take a basic Latvian language test as a proof of loyalty to a country where they have lived for decades.

Scores of Russians take Latvian language test as deportation looms

Flashback to when Trump said that he was going to make federal employees to take loyalty tests:

‘Full-blown fascism’: Donald Trump envisions a ‘civil service test’ for ‘every federal employee’

Powell Makes Unexpected Admissions During Prank Call With Fake Zelensky

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell made several bizarre, if not shocking, admissions during a prank call with two Russians posing as Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky, where they discussed topics ranging from inflation, to the Russian central bank, to joking about having a ‘printing press’ in the basement and possibly setting up a federal reserve bank in Kiev.

Powell Makes Unexpected Admissions During Prank Call With Fake Zelensky

Vice Department Director of C.C., WPK Kim Yo Jong Clarifies Stand through KCNA

Vice Department Director of C.C., WPK Kim Yo Jong Clarifies Stand through KCNA

Another thing that we cannot let pass nor overlook is the fact that the chief executive of the enemy state officially and personally used the word “the end of regime” under the eyes of the world.

Would we simply regard it as the man’s senility?

It may be taken as a nonsensical remark from the person in his dotage who is not at all capable of taking the responsibility for security and the future of the U.S., an old man with no future, as it is too much for him to serve out two-year remainder of his office term.


Biden to Send Nukes to South Korea

Number of those wounded in Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk up to 17 (Video 18+)

DONETSK, April 28. The number of civilians who were wounded in a Ukrainian strike on central Donetsk has risen to 17, the mission of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) to the Joint Control and Coordination Center (JCCC) for issues related to Ukraine’s war crimes said on Friday.

Number of those wounded in Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk up to 17

Video via R&U Videos


At least nine dead in Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk – monitor

Ukrainian forces also directly struck the Donetsk trauma center, inflicting material damage on the DPR’s only magnetic resonance imaging scanner, the local health ministry told TASS.

At Least Seven Civilians Burned Alive In A Bus Shelled By Ukrainian Nazis In Donetsk (Video 18+)

Reuters: Russia Says Ukrainian Rocket Attack Kills Seven Civilians in Donetsk