The Growing US Military Recruitment Crisis: There is no Solution & the Crisis Will Only Grow…


The induction of immigrants into the US military and other short-term solutions may temporarily delay America’s multiplying problems, but it will not make the pursuit of empire any more sustainable in the long run.

Until Washington understands that what it is trying to do cannot (and should not) be done, it can start to solve its many problems sooner.

The Growing US Military Recruitment Crisis: There is no Solution & the Crisis Will Only Grow…


America’s military recruitment crisis – symptoms of an overreaching empire

Sen. Rand Paul: Ukraine Has Canceled Their Elections, So No We’re Not Defending Democracy

Sen. Rand Paul: Ukraine Has Canceled Their Elections, So No We’re Not Defending Democracy

I don’t think good idea for our country to borrowing. We’ve given them, I think over $113 billion, they’re asking for another $24 billion. But if you read between lines, they’ll tell you it will last about two to three months and then they’ll be back again. Every two to three months they’re over here, you know, he’ll be here again today begging for more money.

High Stakes as Uncle Sam’s Days of Impunity Are Finally Over

The edifice of American imperial power has never been challenged at its foundation. It is now.

High Stakes as Uncle Sam’s Days of Impunity Are Finally Over


No One Seems to Want to Investigate the Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage Except Russia

Despite the UN’s apparent disinterest in pursuing a broader inquiry, Russia claimed this week that it would continue to pursue an international effort. “We will do everything in our power to continue to insist and to initiate such an international investigation,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters during a conference call.

FBI Attack on the Uhuru Movement is a Warning

FBI Attack on the Uhuru Movement is a Warning

Congressional Black Caucus member Gregory Meeks can be thanked for continuing the notion that Black people should not be trusted to think for themselves. H.R. 7311, Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act, is not just directed at nations on the African continent. Should it be signed into law by the president it requires reporting on, “…African governments and their policies, as well as the public opinions and voting preferences of African populations and diaspora groups, including those in the United States…” CBC treachery is yet another factor which makes this era of state persecution even more perilous.

One need not be familiar with every aspect of the APSP program in order to defend them at this juncture. They are the first but they will not be the last. Every individual or organization which has publicly condemned U.S. policy, visited a nation which the U.S. doesn’t like, or communicated with individuals or groups in those places, is at risk of being awakened by flash bang grenades and having electronic devices confiscated like APSP members last week. The word solidarity must now take on a very serious meaning.

The connection seems to be Alexander Ionov,Yevgeny Prigozhin, Africa, and the Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act, which in part targets Prigozhin. See my link, below, for more.

*In progress: Alexander Ionov case – Russiagate 2

Biden Betrays Another Campaign Pledge—Admits that U.S. Will Continue to Bomb Afghanistan

Biden Betrays Another Campaign Pledge—Admits that U.S. Will Continue to Bomb Afghanistan

When the President refers to “over-the-horizon capacity that we can be value added,” he is referring to a plan, that appears might cost $10 billion, to fly drones and manned attack aircraft from bases as far away as Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait to assist the current Afghan central government in defending itself against the Taliban.


A hybrid war to replace Afghan ‘forever war’?

President Biden Plans a Foreign Policy for the Middle Class: He Should Promote Peace, Which Would Benefit Them and Everyone Else

President Biden Plans a Foreign Policy for the Middle Class: He Should Promote Peace, Which Would Benefit Them and Everyone Else

Still, wanting one’s foreign policy to serve the middle class – and the working class, and the entrepreneurial class, and everyone else – isn’t necessarily a bad way to evaluate foreign policy. However, rather than trying to turn everything into an economic measure, there is a much simpler approach that would fulfill the same goal. Follow a policy of peace. Ultimately, more is required for a sophisticated, comprehensive foreign policy. However, the best, most solid, ultimately essential, foundation is peace.

Admittedly, Biden, as well as Sullivan and the others, have been in Washington, D.C. too long to know what peace actually is. Most policymakers call today’s world “peacetime” even though the US has been at war for the last two decades. The Blob appears to define peace as meaning that there is no combat on American soil. Washington can be droning, bombing, invading, and occupying other nations, and denizens of the imperial capital will contend that there is no war going on. Certainly no “endless” war, insist the Neocons, who recognize their serious loss of credibility in having repeatedly misled the public about both the cause and duration of conflicts.