Lighting Up the Gray Zone: The Philippines-Taiwan Counter-Coercion Toolkit

Perry World House’s Thomas Shattuck and Robin Garcia are out with an important new white paper which recommends the public release of visual information to counter China’s coercive activities, using the Philippines and Taiwan as examples. As the champions of “assertive transparency”, SeaLight enthusiastically welcomes this timely new scholarship!

Lighting Up the Gray Zone: The Philippines-Taiwan Counter-Coercion Toolkit

Perry World House is at the University of Pennsylvania, another university funded by the US government. I’ve updated my Project Myoushu document, to reflect the following:

The origin of Stanford University’s Gordian Knot Center for National Security Innovation. It’s sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, an organization within the Department of Navy. I saw it over at the Asian Century Journal, yesterday.

From a previous post.



Japan, U.S. and Philippines to discuss stronger military ties & US, Philippines to expand strategic port

Japan, U.S. and Philippines to discuss stronger military ties & US, Philippines to expand strategic port

Japan, U.S. and Philippines to discuss stronger military ties

The three foreign ministers will discuss ways to strengthen cooperation in the wake of increasing collisions in the South China Sea between ships from the Philippines and China.

They agreed to work toward signing a Reciprocal Access Agreement that would make it easier for members of the Self-Defense Forces and the Philippine military to engage in joint training exercises by simplifying procedures to obtain visas and bring weapons and ammunition into each other’s countries.

Japan will also provide funds for the Philippines to acquire a coastal surveillance radar system.


US, Philippines to expand strategic port

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House Republicans Propose The Study Of An Oil Naval Blockade Of China

The House of Representatives is discussing a move that would effectively amount to an act of war if carried out: a naval blockade on China.

House Republicans Propose The Study Of An Oil Naval Blockade Of China

The following is outdated, especially considering the problems with the US Navy’s LCS ships, but I thought that the bold quote was interesting. I highly doubt that Russia would ever submit to the US!


[2013] Stranglehold: The Context, Conduct and Consequences of an American Naval Blockade of China

In short, Russia would not only be China’s best hope of overcoming an American blockade, but it would also be the United States’ key to closing China’s transit route through Central Asia and preventing China’s two neighboring oil producers from supplying it with petroleum. In an American blockade of China, Russia’s importance as a swing state cannot be overstated, as is borne out by the observation that “no blockade of China in history has succeeded without Russian acquiescence.”

State Department Won’t Say If It’s Working to Free US Citizen Detained in Ukraine

The State Department has refused to say if it’s engaging with the Ukrainian government over American citizen Gonzalo Lira, who was detained by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) due to his political views on the conflict with Russia.

State Department Won’t Say If It’s Working to Free US Citizen Detained in Ukraine

Steve Bannon And China’s Deep State

Steve Bannon And China’s Deep State

Although a century has passed since Coudenhove-Kalergi’s pan Europa was founded, the same principles are shaping the contours of our current age. Just as vast systemic crises threatening the lives of the majority of souls living on our planet press ominously against our future as they had a century ago, similar techniques of controlled opposition and games within games are used by the same oligarchical class who have orchestrated the current state of affairs. Many good people whose hearts are too large and understanding too shallow have already gotten absorbed into false narratives that frame those mortal enemies of the West as either Russia or China, while ignoring the causal hand of those same oligarchical agencies seeking to reduce all sovereign nations and cultures to rubble under a new Crusade. 

Don’t fall for it.


How a Tycoon Linked to Chinese Intelligence Became a Darling of Trump Republicans

The inscrutable aims of Steve Bannon’s enigmatic Chinese benefactor

Exclusive: The Fugitive Who Tried to Spark a US-China War

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