The “Mock Revolution” at Mosinee: On The Racism of Anti-Communism in the US

British Pathé

For most of the last one hundred and fifty years, anti-communism has been a defining aspect of American political culture, both domestic and foreign. As historian Nick Fischer has argued, after the Civil War, anti-communism was deployed to suppress an unruly underclass of people, including the working poor, women, and Black Americans, and prevent any real attention on their working and living conditions. This anti-communism was deployed by an “elitist” class who sought to divide working people among themselves, and prescribe acceptable behaviors, including patriarchal heteronormative familial relationships. When those same people made demands for equal treatment, or even just decent treatment, the epithet “communist” or “socialist” has been deployed to delegitimize their claims to rights.

The “Mock Revolution” at Mosinee: On The Racism of Anti-Communism in the US

An Open Letter to RFK Jr. on Israel/Palestine

This article was originally written as a private letter addressed to Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his campaign manager, former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH). Unanswered since it was sent in early June 2023, it is now published as an open letter.

An Open Letter to RFK Jr. on Israel/Palestine


Israel’s One-State Reality

When a U.S. president demanded inspections of a nuclear facility in the Middle East (and failed)

The Battle of the Letters, 1963: John F. Kennedy, David Ben-Gurion, Levi Eshkol, and the U.S. Inspections of Dimona

Illinois Rep Rashid among those threatened by armed American Israeli settlers during pogrom in Turmus Ayya, Palestine

Illinois Rep Rashid among those threatened by armed American Israeli settlers during pogrom in Turmosaya, Palestine

The American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee has called for an official investigation into American Israelis who hold dual citizenship and who are involved in a growing wave of anti-Palestinian pogroms and violence. State Rep. Abdelnasser Rashid sends letter to his legislative colleagues to detail his predicament in the threatening environment but to no response. Gov. J.B. Pritzker remains silent

Illinois Rep Rashid among those threatened by armed American Israeli settlers during pogrom in Turmosaya, Palestine


American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Urges Criminal Investigation into US Citizens Involved in Attacks on Palestinian Civilians in West Bank

Biden won’t protect Palestinian Americans from Israeli attacks

For the second time this year, large numbers of armed Israeli settlers have rampaged through Palestinian communities in the occupied West Bank terrorizing Palestinians in their homes.

Biden won’t protect Palestinian Americans from Israeli attacks

Links behind paywalls:

Israeli settlers torch Palestinian homes and cars to avenge deadly shooting. A Palestinian is killed

You, American taxpayer, are helping to fund Israeli settlements

U.S. Ambassador: We Will Not Stand Idly by and Watch Settler Violence

Israel’s Far-right Finance Minister: ‘I’m a Fascist Homophobe But… I Won’t Stone Gays’

Israel Eases West Bank Settlement Rules, Clearing Way for New Homes

How Zelensky was Prevented From Making Peace in the Donbas

A true story censored by the media bubble

There are two Volodymyr Zelenskys: the one we have known since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, who has since been celebrated every day in the Western media as a hero with a spotless white (or green) vest; the other, who was less well-known prior to this significant escalation of the war, which, according to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, began in 2014. (Here are details on the actual start of this war in 2014).

How Zelensky was Prevented From Making Peace in the Donbas

EU/US Threatens Serbia to Sanction Russia

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, said tonight that he was afraid that no one wanted to talk about the context, the circumstances and what Serbia is really facing when referring to the Franco-German plan for Kosovo and Metohija.

Vučić: I am worried; “They are looking for a conflict”


US to support Serbia amid tensions with Kosovo if Belgrade joins Russian sanctions

But Washington is ready to offer Belgrade economic and diplomatic support on the condition that Serbia joins Western allies in sanctions against Russia.

If Serbia fully participates with the West then Washington and Brussels may ask Kosovo to meet Serbia’s demand in granting Serbs the right to live in Northern Kosovo. [Community of Serb Municipalities]

Western Envoys Feel ‘Encouraged’ by Kosovo, Serbia Visits

U.S. Zionists Foxman, Jacobs and Kurtzer sound alarm about Netanyahu’s extremist government

Benjamin Netanyahu is set to announce his new governing coalition that includes openly racist and fascistic lawmakers (according to reports), and American Zionists have been sounding alarms that the next government will break Israel’s supposedly unbreakable relationship with the U.S.

U.S. Zionists Foxman, Jacobs and Kurtzer sound alarm about Netanyahu’s extremist government


What in the World Is Happening in Israel?

I don’t think a day passed on this trip when I did not read about or see TikTok or other videos of a Palestinian shot by Israeli soldiers or Israelis rammed into or attacked with knives by individual Palestinians. This conflict porn is new, it’s pervasive and it is incredibly effective at instilling hate in 15-second bites that keep everyone in a permanent state of fear and rage

The Ideal of Democracy in a Jewish State Is in Jeopardy

US troops to expand patrols in Syria despite tension with Turkey + US forces prepare to build 1st military base in Syria’s Raqqa

The Pentagon is preparing to resume full ground operations alongside Kurdish partners in northern Syria, officials said Tuesday, a move that risks further inflaming relations with NATO ally Turkey, which blames the Kurds for a deadly bombing in Istanbul last month and has threatened a ground assault in retaliation.

US troops to expand patrols in Syria despite tension with Turkey


US forces prepare to build 1st military base in Syria’s Raqqa

The Syrian Democratic Forces is an armed militia of the rebels in North and East Syria (AANES). An alliance of forces formed during the Syrian civil war composed primarily of Kurdish, Arab, and Assyrian/Syriac, as well as some smaller Armenian, Turkmen and Chechen forces. It is militarily led by the People’s Protection Units (YPG), a Kurdish militia recognized as a terrorist group by Turkey, and also includes several ethnic militias, as well as elements of the Syrian opposition’s Free Syrian Army. Founded in October 2015, the SDF states its mission as fighting to create a secular, democratic and federalised Syria. According to Turkey, the Syrian Democratic Forces has direct links to the PKK.


The SDF equals the YPG/PKK/Kurds